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heart/chest vibrating??


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UGH! I started feeling really sick about an hour ago.. and laid down hoping that that would stop the sick feeling.. WRONG!! the nasuea has hit me full force.. that general cruddy potsy feeling.. me feet and nose are ICE cold!! BRRRRRRRRR!!

Well since I started feeling potsy..my heart and my chest feel like they are vibrating.. you know like if you put your hadn ontop of your dryer or something.. and you get that vibrating feeling??..well that is waht my chest and heart are doing.. and it is making me feel VERY SICK (nasuea.. vision stuff..kinda fuzzy in general)

and I am so cold its unreal... but in my chest and stomach i feel a warm snesation thru that regions internally.. double yucky..

does anybofy experience this?? Or am I loosing my mind talking about my heart vibrating??? my pulse is abrely feelable and all i feel is the vibrating..

(((((((((( :ph34r::ph34r: )))))))))))))))))))


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hhahahaha!! Belinda you are a funny funny girl!! do you think that the dryer crawled inside my chest?? LOL.. te..hee!! :D

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Hey Dizz... hope you are doing ok. What is your heart rate like - can you tell? Are you having a really fast rate again? Watch how you are doing and if you start to feel worse you might need to think about going in to get checked. I know you would hate to need to do that because you've had awful experiences with the ER. Sometimes if your heart goes into a funny rythym it can feel like what you are describing and could be serious so be careful and go in if you need to. It sounds concerning. Laura

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hi laura.. my heart rate is kinda all over the place its up and its feeling non-existant.. the vibrating had stopped for while in theheart.. but I could still feel a vibrating feeling in my chest. does that make sense??

Now the vibrating has come back in my heart again as well as my chest.. when i place my hand over my heart i feel the vibrating.. and when I actually feel a heart beat I feel the vibrating even more.. its a slow vibrating heartbeat. I can physically feel it.. and its making me feel quick sick feeling...

But now my pulse is running low.. I cant quite tell waht it is only that it is way slow..I am having some nasty dizziness (worse then usual).. I feel like I am everything is moving.. and laying down is making the dizziness worse!! there's anew one!:D:angry: and hands and feet are so very cold.. I cant get warmed up.. I only took half my regular dose of BB tonight I thought about notaking it all.. But if I dont take my beta blocker it will cause a rebound tachycardia thing.. so I only took half the dose.. and I think I will hold my clonidine tonight as well.. and see how I feel in a few hours or the morning and go from there..

I really hate the ER.. but if it continues I will atleast call my cardio--or go to the ER..:angry:

right now my pulse is unfeelable in both wrists as well as my neck..I dont know.. I wonder if I am developing bradycardia as well as tachycardia... wouldnt surpirse me I guess


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Guest CyberPixie

I get this at night when I have a surge and cant sleep and no sleep makes me very ill. It's almost like I have 2 hearts, my real one and another one thats going really fast and vibrating. I can feel the vibration in my chest and arms.

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I still have some mild vibrating going on.. buy I think I muight know why i am ahving it.. I woke up this afternoon.. and my chest is very sore from my lungs up..I feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest... and keeps jumping on it..and congested..(full of gunk)..I think I am getting bronchitus or something..woudlnt surpirse me!! I get it it every 2-3 months!! and it takes like 3 rounds of anti-biotic to get rid of it!!! GRRRRRR!!

I just love it when i wake up..(though I must say that I slept very well.. for about 12 hours) and my chest hurts to breath.. (mnore then usual) and I can hear the rattling in my chest.. and ahve a fever.. try to lookat the number on the alarm clock and the dance all over the place!!. NOT!!

I'm am going back to bed now.. where it is warm..

hugs to ya all:)


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  • 4 weeks later...
UGH! I started feeling really sick about an hour ago.. and laid down hoping that that would stop the sick feeling.. WRONG!! the nasuea has hit me full force.. that general cruddy potsy feeling.. me feet and nose are ICE cold!! BRRRRRRRRR!!

Well since I started feeling potsy..my heart and my chest feel like they are vibrating.. you know like if you put your hadn ontop of your dryer or something.. and you get that vibrating feeling??..well that is waht my chest and heart are doing.. and it is making me feel VERY SICK (nasuea.. vision stuff..kinda fuzzy in general)

and I am so cold its unreal... but in my chest and stomach i feel a warm snesation thru that regions internally.. double yucky..

does anybofy experience this?? Or am I loosing my mind talking about my heart vibrating??? my pulse is abrely feelable and all i feel is the vibrating..

(((((((((( :):ph34r: )))))))))))))))))))


I felt somewhat like this before I went on Florinef. It would happen when I would like down in bed. I'd feel this vibrating, buzzing, crawling, electric feeling all over my body. Sometimes it would be accomanied by anxiety attack feelings. I think it has something to do with adrenalin. I also have tingling in my feet constantly and often in my hands and around my mouth. When I am alarmed suddenly, the backs of my hands burn with a lot of heat. I think that the vibrating feeling is an extension of those other feelings. Before I went on the Florinef and the Celexa, I also had a lot of stabbing pain in my feet.

I still occassionally feel this vibrating but it is not to the point that it is as distressing as it was. I've never had a migraine with this feeling though. I imagine there are as many symptoms as there are people with POTS.


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