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Life is good at times


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Was hanging out in the garage and two young wrens flew in. They were a bit stuck. the one made it out but the other was a bit panicked. it did try to get thru a garage window (sure it saw it's sibling) so i walked up and cupped it in my hand. Bird was a bit vocal but let me help it and let it go outside.

Just the small things in life that helps.


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7 hours ago, MikeO said:

Was hanging out in the garage and two young wrens flew in. They were a bit stuck. the one made it out but the other was a bit panicked. it did try to get thru a garage window (sure it saw it's sibling) so i walked up and cupped it in my hand. Bird was a bit vocal but let me help it and let it go outside.

Just the small things in life that helps.


Had some avian visitors! Nowadays when I see little birds I mostly end up wondering what their lil nervous systems must go through in a day. They've gotta be pretty resilient. Bird brain is supposed to be an insult, but I'm convinced they function at a higher level than I do 😂

The universe def has its ways of keeping us on our toes. That reminds me of a couple years ago, a very large stray dog randomly helped itself right into the backseat of my car suddenly after I stopped with the intention of corralling it off of the sorta dangerous backroad it was wandering down. Usually if you stop for a dog you'll hear the owners not far off calling out for it to come back, but there wasn't another voice or soul around, and I couldn't coax it back outta the car to walk it up the road (it was getting late in the day and I wasn't trying to steal someone's dog 😣), it wouldn't budge it just laid there looking at me like "time for a ride, where we going". Drove it up the quiet back road with no luck, then drove it to my family's to figure out what to do next, and thankfully had a lot of help looking after it and with trying to find the owner that week.. there was no collar, no chip, we notified the authorities and it got plenty of attention on local fb groups when we shared pics and details, and by the time I stopped by to talk with some of the neighbors along the stretch where I found it they were already aware of the search for its owner from the local fb posts they saw, but nobody recognized it and no one ever came forward.. the vet said the poor pup had been bred multiple times and was apparently abandoned with lots of tumors from being bred so much and never being fixed. 

Sweet dog though. Hopped into my car unexpectedly, created a bunch of excitement for a couple weeks, got itself a bunch of attention and ended up adopted into a very good home with people who were happy to care for her despite her expensive medical condition. Sometimes they just need a lil help finding their way

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7 hours ago, MikeO said:

@bumpkin Birds in their own way are very smart. I do have a parrot and does rule the roost Haha. she does have me trained well and will give me a smoochy kiss when i do her bidding.  

Lol, that has to be a hoot. I need to wander into my local exotic bird store sometime and see what it's all about, my friends growing up had little parakeets but they just kinda hung out under their blanketed cages and looked cute 🐥

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