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Mobility Aids at Work?

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Hi, I've never posted on anything like this before but I'm looking for advice. I'm 24 and I have POTS, and have been experiencing some pretty intense heart palpitations that have only gotten worse over the last few days. I have a patch monitor on to monitor them, but I've been struggling a bit. I have also been quite fatigued and on and off lightheaded. I have never used a mobility aid at work before, but I'm thinking of bringing my cane tomorrow...It helps me feel more stable when I get dizzy and lightheaded but I am crazy nervous that if I bring it now but don't need it next week, people will think I'm faking?

If anyone has experienced anything like this I would really appreciate any advice or thoughts!



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Hello @Spencer Mc welcome to the forum! - Unfortunately many of us understand your concerns - people do not get why we are so unstable one day and seem perfectly fine to them the next day. This is all part of dysautonomia ( the invisible illness ). I used a wheel chair in stores for a few years to prevent passing out while shopping. People would give me evil stares when I would get out of the wheel chair to grab something from the top shelf - but that was not as bad as the stares I would have gotten if I passed out 😂

In my experience you should do everything you can to keep yourself safe and stable. You can always explain that you use the cane to steady you when you get dizzy. Eventually people will get used to seeing you with a cane. Be well!


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On 6/19/2024 at 8:08 PM, Spencer Mc said:

Hi, I've never posted on anything like this before but I'm looking for advice. I'm 24 and I have POTS, and have been experiencing some pretty intense heart palpitations that have only gotten worse over the last few days. I have a patch monitor on to monitor them, but I've been struggling a bit. I have also been quite fatigued and on and off lightheaded. I have never used a mobility aid at work before, but I'm thinking of bringing my cane tomorrow...It helps me feel more stable when I get dizzy and lightheaded but I am crazy nervous that if I bring it now but don't need it next week, people will think I'm faking?

If anyone has experienced anything like this I would really appreciate any advice or thoughts!



Not sure what size company you're at but you could maybe share your concern with HR and see how they suggest handling it in your work environment. There's times it can help to let them in on the situation (and all you'd really have to say to make it clear is "Sometimes my condition requires a cane, sometimes it doesn't, and I don't want my colleagues to think I'm faking"), HR will probably keep an eye out knowing you're having a hard time, and then if people actually want to be hostile about it, well you'll have already informed your employer of your situation..so whoever wants to be ignorant about it will look immature for making a thing of it.

It's exhausting that any of us should need to explain ourselves when it's really none of their business.. but people seem to have been overwhelmingly conditioned to behave that way, so we just have to cover ourselves and make use of ADA accommodations, engage HR and union reps to support us, etc.

Bosses themselves aren't always so understanding or supportive and in my experience those were jobs worth leaving anyhow, unfortunately I can't recall a job where my supervisor really had my back once my sick days started adding up no matter how well I made up for it the rest of the time, but HR is supposed to protect the company's interests and that means avoiding discrimination lawsuits.. So they'll probably try to help make you more comfortable about it. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have some experience with this. Many managers are very nervous about anything related to perceived heart trouble, so tread lightly in explaining yourself. I was invited to leave work unitl I had a doctor's note saying that I could work. Don't start by going to HR unless you have a specific document that you need from them or other very specific need. Some places will not let you work with a mobility aid, so get clarity on their policy first, maybe by asking a coworker of yours to ask for you so you are not flagging yourself for extra scrutinty. 

On being worried about how others see you, I was worried until I found out that the people who know me actually had no questions about it. I never had to explain myself. I use a wheelchair that I power with my feet. Sometimes I walk. No one who works with me thinks twice about it. Those who see me at work but don't work with me I don't care about what they think. It is none of their business.

I was initially self-conscious about bringing my chair in for the first time. I mentioned to a couple of guys I worked with that I was thinking about it. They both had the same response, asking why I didn't just go and get it, they'd help me get it up the couple of steps if I wanted help. 

I also used to be self-conscious out and about in public about putting my chair into the trunk of my car by myself then walking to the driver's side to get in. No one has ever given me a funny look. The only thing that happened one time was when I was struggling in the heat to load the chair and someone else helped me get it into the car. I have even rolled myself right up to a couple of steps and carried the chair up with no looks from others. 

Would you really be that critical of someone else that you didn't know well sometimes using a cane? Most people really don't pay much mind to it even if they notice you are using something. 

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