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Going in Hospital


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:( Okay, so going to hospital early next week. Yikes, not sure about this. But I figured if I did this one last thing, then we can all say we've done all we can do, right? My darling doc is so sweet, it breaks my heart he can't fix me, because I think it is harder on him than me! So I go in Tuesday and then we will see. Kepp your fingers crossed and ears plugged for you may all hear me swearing back east if they annoy me or one of the doctors is a jerk. I have gotten way too outspoken in my deterioration... :ph34r: Anyhow, will let you know what happens. Am going to lay low till I go, because I know how stressful it's going to be.....lordhelpmeidontwannadothisbutcantresistmycutedocmorgan
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Oh Morgan. Isn't it always with great hope that we enter the hospital? I am sorry that you have to go in but I hope that your doctor, his great smile, and his great brain can help you make some progress. Rest up. I care. Deb

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hey there morgan..

I know you've got to be a bundle of nerves.. I am wishing you well during your hospital stay.. and hoping that they can help you..



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Morgan, Good luck on your hospital stay. May the doctors come up with something that can help you. Given your history of sinus node ablation, you may want to ask the cardiologist about the possibility that you are experiencing junctional tachycardia. That was one of my major problems following the ablation and pacemaker. In the hospital, I had an EP study to see if an AV node ablation would help control the tachycardia I was experiencing. To make a long story short, I had the AV node ablation and the really bad feeling tachycardia went away. However, it left me totally pacemaker dependent. Just a thought.

Anyway, don't let the doctors push the problem to anxiety. You may wish to bring a few articles about dysautonomia with you. My wonderful cardiologist used to round up the nurses and docs on the floor to give them a mini-seminar on POTS when I was hospitalized.

Will you be in a telemetry unit? Make sure that they do not put you on a salt-free or sodium reduced diet if in fact you do better with a high salt diet.

Again, my thoughts and prayers will be with you.

PS My Westie -- Caroline -- would like to meet your pooch! :ph34r:

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Guest Julia59


I hope you get a team of Doctors that have respect for you and this disorder.

Also, I hope you get some answers so you can have better management of your symptoms.

I hate hospitals, and i'm sure you feel the same way, but sometimes we just have to bite the bullet to get the help we need. I know you have been though a lot, and hopefully this time they can help you. :ph34r:


Julie :0)

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Thanks for all your positive responses. :) I already told him I would only go on the condition he orders a private room. I can't stand to share a bathroom and the stimulus from a tv or someone having 50,000 visitors would kill me off for sure. His nurse said she would make sure he did it. I just won't go in if it's a double room, period. It's already too stressful just thinking about it....

Goldidance, if your Caroline is as sweet as my Chloe, I'm sure they'd make great friends!!! morgan

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I'm even later still...

all I can think of is you'll at least be able to tick this off your list of things that you've "been there - done that."

While I hope that you're visit is fruitful, I can't help but worry a bit on your behalf.


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well, do i win the late award?? i still hadn't responded to the "should you do the hospital gig" post...but like you & others have said, at least you'll have given it your best go - yet again - in trying the hospital route. of course i'm hoping & praying that it's somehow much more than that & that some good comes of the stay in the way of treatment options, directions to head, etc.

and i'm afraid steph will have to fight me for your ohsocutedoc if he ever makes his way to ohio.

good thinking with the single room thing. i had one after my last surgery & couldn't have made it otherwise. no matter how "nice" a roommate it just doesn't bode well in a hospital setting.

we're cheering you on big time....can you hear us??? i'm yelling all the way from here in ohio!!!

love & hugs & smiles & good thoughts & prayers & magic hospital happenings,

B) melissa

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Morgan, I will be thinking of you and hopefully they will be able to help you and come up with some answers. This is so hard on all of you. I think of all of you all of the time and hope they come up with some positive treatments that will help all of you live "normal lives" soon. My best to you. Linda

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K guys, off tomorrow to see the wizard of hospital miracles....snork snork snork. I will be so anxious to let you all know how it goes. You will never know what all your support means to me. I will be thinking about all of you ( so I won't be thinking about what they are doing :ph34r: ) Listen for the echoes of swearing and venting......and think of meeeeeeee icantbelieveimactuallydoingthismcwhinymcmorgan :huh::(:D:blink::o:blink:;) love all you guys....

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Morgan, I know what you feel about a private room. Last winter I was in hospital -- first the remnants of a contagious c. difficile infection--then the insurance covered the private room; once I was no longer contagious it was share a room with someone I do not know or pay the supplement. We paid the supplement to the tune of just over $2,000. I could write a book about people I have shared a semi-private room with and I just can't do it anymore. When you think about it, how absurd is it to share a room with a perfect stranger when you are feeling terrible and most vulnerable.

What a sweet name - Chloe. I bet Carrie would love to meet Chloe. She loves to play with dogs. Carrie is very lazy and she is huge = about 30 pounds. She is not overweight -- just big boned. I'll email you a picture when I get the energy.

Good luck in the hospital. It's the pits.

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