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Long term Disability Through Employer any tips ?


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Hi @Lisa C - I had long term disability insurance through my employer when I could no longer work due to POTS. The requirement with mine was unable to work for 6 months and diagnosis of ongoing health problems ( HPOTS and NCS in my case ). Once I applied I had to talk to a caseworker over the phone and fill out some paper work, but it was pretty clear cut, and obvious that I was unable to work. Once they approved my case they required me to apply for SSDI ( so they did not have to keep paying me until I turned 65 ). They provided a lawyer and once SSDI was approved I had to pay them all of the lump-sum payment ( that was in the contract, once approved for SSDI I have to pay them back ). I have been disabled for 8 years and they still pay me a small amount every months. 

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Thank you @Pistol for sharing your information. I am a teacher and navigating what to do with the school district so I don’t lose my disability is overwhelming. Sometimes I don’t know where to go for resources. I am waiting to hear from the company yet I need to tell my school district soon because I am under contract with them. I am so confused and sometimes feel hopeless. I am all alone with no other financial support so it is so detrimental I make good decisions. I have read every article online about LTD and Dysautonomia and applying and how to make smart decisions. My insurance company told me the same thing you stated except I would lose my disability if I quit or resigned before claim accepted. School is starting soon and I feel so lost on where to go to find resources to help me. 😞

You have been so helpful 😃

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You dont have to pay someone to get or qualify for SSDI. You apply on your own. The paperwork isnt difficult. It just takes time. The one time lump sum is the amount of money they owe you from the application date until you are approved. The only reason you need a lawyer is if you have been denied several times and are, in fact, disabled.

Hope this helps.

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Guest KiminOrlando

Can you take a medical leave of absence while you work on the disability stuff?

I hired an attorney to start the Social Security Disability process because it is an uphill battle for dysautonomia. It took 4 years even with an attorney and an autoimmune disease. The part that is concerning is that you are constrained by what you put on the document and have to explain any differences between what you write and what an attorney would write in an appeal. 

My corporate disability insurance was much easier. As a teacher you likely have some kind of state government program instead of private insurance. It may be similar to Social Security. I have no experience with that, but government entities seem to be more difficult. 

I hope you find an easy pathway. It is a difficult time when you know you are sick and are trying to work and gather documentation for disability. 

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