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Not my baby

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Today we found out our six year old daughter has a heart murmur and must see a pediatric cardiologist. Based on my history, this gives me a bad feeling. Most murmurs are benign. However, mine isn't so of course, I'm starting to get that uneasy feeling about my little girl. Just need some support. I know she is going to be fine, but I'm a mommy and it's my job to worry.


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sorry to hear about you daughter.. I hope that all goes well for her with the cardiologist..

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Try not to worry--it wont change anything and will make you feel terrible too boot. Hang in there and here's to hoping the doctor finds nothing unusual.


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Good luck to you and your daughter. I know how tough it is to worry about our kids. My youngest daughter has been through open heart surgery, hernia surgeries and a spinal fusion. I was a wreck each and every time.....this time next year you won't be able to believe all the worrying you are doing now. :D Do you have a good pediatric cardiologist in your area? It seems like the pediatric docs are always so caring.

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Same thing happened in our home, my 10 yr old daughter complains of dizziness, headaches, having a hard time concentrating in school, etc. She was sent for an echo beacause the doctor heard a murmur. Although with my history, she is high risk, the pediatrician felt that unless something actually threatening shows now, and as long as she is functioning, it's not worth labeling a child with dysautonomia.

The echo showed normal, if we want we can do a holter monitor. For now leaving things as is, not sure if we're doing the right thing. I did speak to homeroom teacher, and will do the same this coming year. Don't know if I'm doing the right thing, she has a hard time concentrating in class. For now just trying to keep her on my "dysautonomia diet" as much as possible.

With all I've been going through, I always say that I'm grateful it's me and not my child. So I can understand the space you're in right now.

Hoping to hear good news,


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i'm sure that as a mom you aren't going to be able to remove all the worry...and i'm sure that the waiting for the next appointment is probably the worst...so do your best to keep on keeping on. you & your little one will be in my thoughts and prayers. hopefully - and most likely - she's in the group that will need nothing other than an extra listen or so every few years.


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so glad to hear that the appt went well...i had meant to ask you about it after you'd mentioned it in an earlier post and feel badly that i didn't! sorry!


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Thank you to all for your kind thoughts. We have no idea when we will see the cardiologist for my daughter so it is going to be a long tense wait. Thank you for letting me express my anxiety here!


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