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Medications That Make You Worse?

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my bp before dx was 90's over 50's, i was given lexapro to help higher my bp, and to help me from feeling like i was always going to pass out. i was given metoprolol for tachycardia.

what made me worse was snri's, i think it was the norepinephrine. certain foods make we worse like alcohol, foods that contain msg's or fake sugar, too much caffeine,

pickles, yogurt, sausage, bananas, cheese... and i can't remember the other foods this minute.

do little activity like just sweeping out my car, high humidity days or really hot days make me worse

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I had one heck of a time going on Zoloft (severe nausea, insomnia, tremors, cold sweats, appetite loss, tachy) but I pushed through because I really wanted to overcome what I thought were panic attacks. Found out later they were adrenaline rushes related to POTS/NCS. I am still on it and it doesn't give me trouble now. I think it helps keep me from fainting these days, actually.

I couldn't do Florinef because it gave me migraines. Also any OTC headache med that contains caffeine is a no-go.

One of the worst reactions I've had was to a numbing injection that contained epinephrine at the dentist. I made sure there is a huge note on my file that says "NO EPI" and I check verbally every time now. My dentist is really cool about it though and sat down with me and asked me to explain POTS and NCS and she even did some research on her own :)

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I had one heck of a time going on Zoloft (severe nausea, insomnia, tremors, cold sweats, appetite loss, tachy) but I pushed through because I really wanted to overcome what I thought were panic attacks. Found out later they were adrenaline rushes related to POTS/NCS. I am still on it and it doesn't give me trouble now. I think it helps keep me from fainting these days, actually.

I couldn't do Florinef because it gave me migraines. Also any OTC headache med that contains caffeine is a no-go.

One of the worst reactions I've had was to a numbing injection that contained epinephrine at the dentist. I made sure there is a huge note on my file that says "NO EPI" and I check verbally every time now. My dentist is really cool about it though and sat down with me and asked me to explain POTS and NCS and she even did some research on her own :)

I have been struggling with what I was told were panic attacks for the past 10-12 years. This started approx 1 year after my first daughter was born. Now that I am dx with POTS, I seriously wonder if my "panic attacks" were really adrenaline rushes due to POTS. That explains a heck of a lot, lol.

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I wish I could pin this for the amount of time I have written it lol but I've found it is extremely common when starting an SSRI to feel terrible for the first month. I have dealt with this myself and talked to tons of people about it. I had CRAZY symptoms, but they all went away after awhile. Unless you are having an allergic reaction, you might want to keep trying it.

Edited by corina
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