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Wet The Bed

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So last night was a new and disturbing one for me. I was in a very deep sleep (as I often am--thank you Klonopin), and was dreaming deeply as well. At one point in the dream, I was in a bathroom, on the toilet, having to pee rather badly. The next thing I know, I am waking, and my first thought was, "My, I really need to go to the bathroom badly NOW!" But that same moment I realized I was laying in a puddle and I'd wet the bed! Alarming to say the least as this kind of thing has never happened to me. Have any of you had experience with such an episode?



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Your not alone : ) growing up I wet the bed fairly often (not a great home life) and when I was placed in foster care in my late teens I thought I had gotten a hold of the problem, however if I was under a lot of stress or not in a super great home (alcoholic, abusive, etc) it would happen again. As an adult it has happened off and on occasionally mainly if I am under stress, have a "lovely" peeing dream, or about 2 yrs ago (the last occurrence at home) I had a really bad UTI infection. It did happen to me last year when I was in the hospital after surgery not once but three times! Talk about humiliating being 23 yrs old and not having any bladder control when your sleeping although I thing the combination of the anesthesia and all the drugs where a huge factor. Most nights I do find myself running (well bouncing off the walls) to get to the bathroom because I had been dreaming about searching for one...I would say if it is a one time occurrence try not to worry about it too much a lot of things could contribute to it and being tired and stressed is one. Although it might be worth mentioning to your doctor and seeing what they think, and I would more then likely get it checked out if it where to happen again especially if you don't have a history of wetting the bed....

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Thanks all. Yeah. No history of bed wetting at all. I'm inclined to keep an eye on it for now, assuming it was just because I was in such a deep sleep and admittedly don't have as strong a control over my bladder since vein diagnosed with dysautonomia. If it happens again ill be sure to reach out to my neurologist. Thanks again for the reassurances. Definitively a humiliating experience for me. *blush*

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Thanks all. Yeah. No history of bed wetting at all. I'm inclined to keep an eye on it for now, assuming it was just because I was in such a deep sleep and admittedly don't have as strong a control over my bladder since vein diagnosed with dysautonomia. If it happens again ill be sure to reach out to my neurologist. Thanks again for the reassurances. Definitively a humiliating experience for me. *blush*

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