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What Do Your Adrenal Surges Feel Like?

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I get very very nauseated and a feeling like something is going to happen and then my heart races and I get chills, is that an adrenal surge? Sometimes I get that and my heart doesn't race.

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hi hippychic, i can't say for certain if yours or mine are definitely adrenaline surges or not, i'm not sure of the specifics but what i've been calling "adrenal surge" makes my whole body feel a sudden hot flash, black out feeling, heart racing, and very scary!!! Hopefully someone else can answer this, I'd be interested in what others have to say as well.

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I get minor adrenalin surges during the night, I get woken up from sleeping and I can feel the adrenalin rushing through my body. My heart races and I have anxiety that something has happened or is happening. After a few seconds I realise nothing has happened so I just try to breathe calmly and relax until I fall asleep again.

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I get an internal shakiness - feels like everyone should be able to see it but I only feel it on the inside. Like my body has electrical currents running through it. Sometimes worse in arms, other times legs.

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racing heart, shakiness - mainly in my legs, chest discomfort, waves of heat, (sometimes I feel a "burning" type of pain across the top part of my chest), head pressure, buzzing in ears (bp increasing is responsible for the last 2 I was told), general feeling of exhaustion, weakness in my arms and pretty nasty muscle aches in my thighs once this is over

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I get nauseated, shake, and am very agitated. People tell me to lay down but it's impossible; I get almost manic. I pace around, sweat, have hot flashes, but am shivering and feel cold generally. I get weird ear symptoms too, like I hear buzzing/rushing in my head. Like alex, I am a mess once it is over; exhausted, nauseaous, and I get a terrible headache that lasts for days. I am often completely bed-bound for 4 to 7 days after one of these surges.

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I get an internal shakiness - feels like everyone should be able to see it but I only feel it on the inside. Like my body has electrical currents running through it. Sometimes worse in arms, other times legs.

I get this too mine gets really bad if it starts in the abdomin. I usually get it once a day and it scares to crap out of me. sometimes I will get chest pain with it too and all I want to do is cry. But the doctor is not paying any attention to this and I really would like to know what it is. I would rather pass out then have this happen because it gets so bad in my face sometimes I cant even talk.

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From what you guys are talking about, I'm wondering if the "panic attacks" I used to have after going to the bathroom in the middle of the night and still have randomly are actually adrenal surges. Sounds especially like what happened to me at Mayo before/during my exercise test. I was not nervous at all, but I was shaking, hot/cold, I felt like I either needed to scream or throw up, and my hr was 60 bpm higher re.sting than my normal resting rate, and I had a super headache. This was all while they had me lay down to try and return my body to normal. By the end of the test, I could not feel my legs, but an hour later, nothing hurt. My hr was still slightly up and I was completely exhausted, but it was like the whole thing never happened.

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