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Sigh- Vacation Fail

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Well, I went on the little vacation I posted about a while back and it did not go well. I'm not even sure what happened. The first day had my normal stomach issues but I just tried to go out anyways. I was miserable so after about an hour I went back to the hotel. I stayed there for the rest of the vacation because I just progressively felt worse and worse. It was nausea but I also felt so feverish and weak even though I didn't have a fever. By the end of the last night I wanted to go to the ER, but I didn't. I know I wasn't sick because when I got up the next morning I felt "normal". Any ideas of what this episode was? Oh, and I don't know what my vitals were because I forgot to bring my monitor...

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It's good to get away, even if you suffer the consequences. I always say, I'm not going to let this get the best of me. I mean that wholeheartedly!! Puppy, you are a fighter, too... Sorry it didn't go as planned, but life is like that even without POTS!! I was on vacation at Disney once before POTS, giving a young 18 year old German boy CPR, and he didn't make it. I couldn't even communicate with his father, other than to hug him when the paramedics arrived. There is a purpose in all we do, and doing is better than staying at home all the time :) . I know there are some here that can't even get out of bed, because they faint. That's a different situation, for sure. That's not what I'm talking about....You keep going girl; don't let it get you down. You've got your whole life to live...Go for it!! I like Corina's quote of Abraham Lincoln; "The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time." :wub: Hugs

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I'm so sorry:(. POTS can ruin even the best of things. Are you feeling a bit better now? I hope so:). Well, maybe when your fully better, you can go on the vacation again and have the greatest time ever:). I plan to do all the things I wanted to do when I was sick but couldn't when I'm better.

Best wishes!

Kayla, 10

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It's the same for me - I can't seem to do more than a day trip and even that's tough, but trying to stay anywhere overnight? forget it. For me just getting there is a trigger - a long car ride can set things off - forget trains and planes. Also, smells are a trigger, so hotels are tough - I can't be around anything scented, even sheets that have been washed in regular detergent. So maybe something out of your normal environment was a trigger - the trip there, a smell, a chemical, a food? We're just so sensitive. I'm sorry Puppylove. I hope next time goes better for you.

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Thanks everyone- you all make me feel so much better :). I didn't get to meet my fellow POTsie because I didn' t leave the room that much, but I did get his email. So maybe we will meet sometime. Kimbellgirl- Wow... that's incredible. I guess there was a reason I didn't feel great this trip. Were going to a week long family reunion thats six hours away in August and I really hope I can make it through that one! One day at a time :)

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