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Went To The Gym- Questions

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I went to the gym today for forty minutes. I guess it went okay. I got super dizzy but I kept going. My question is should potsies keep their heart rates above, below, or the same as what it's supposed to be for their age when exercising? Today it stayed pretty consistently at 150, because I was on the recumbent bike. Thanks for any advice!

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My cardiologist told me to focus on symptoms, not my heart rate. It is expected that my heart rate will "bounce around". I know that my heart is healthy and she told me that as long as my heart rate comes back down when resting I should be fine. I do have to be careful to not pass out during exercising. If you feel ok you may want to consider taking your heart rate after you "cool down" from exercising. Watching your heart rate during exercise can be stressful.

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You can google target heart rate zone calculations that will tell you where your heart rate should be to achieve certain levels of fitness.

150-160bpm is right in my target HR for endurance training

I think 150bpm for 40 minutes is fantastic. When I first started I tried interval training so it wouldnt stress my poor heart too much, I would go 5 minutes at 140 then 5 minutes at 120 (just lowered the intensity, and speed). I was thinking along the lines of your heart being a muscle and when people work their arms/legs etc they do reps, and little breaks inbetween reps for rest and muscle recovery. So I tried that for the first month, till I built up stamina and strength. Now Im almost in month three and Im running 3.5 miles

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I would not feel comfortable answering your question because I don't have enough information about you. Obviously, I am not your physician or cardiologist.

First off, is this the first time you've done any exercising? How long has it been since you've been deconditioned?

Again, there are way too many unknowns about you for an online poster like me to suggest anything.

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Thanks everyone! I have a doctors appointment in a month and I'm going to ask about it. For now though I know my heart is healthy because they already did all the tests on it. My heart rate was 193 when it was highest on the TTT. I'm 15, and I have been walking a little for the past six months, but I think I'm deconditioned. My heart rate sitting or standing is 70-80 bpm now that I'm on Florinef. I'm still having GI issues, blood pooling, brain fog etc. While I was exercising I got too dizzy and I probably should have stopped. I was nauseous after, but they both went away after I sat down and hydrated when I got home.

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Sounds like you did great! Keep it up unless your doctor tells you differently, because I started on the bike first, and was dizzy and now I'm on the elliptical for 2.5-3 miles, and I'm a lot better after building up to normal heart rate for my age. Every now and then I get some tachycardia still, and some days I just can't go, but I at least go 2 times a week, and walk my dog short distances, too. Just listen to your body. If you get too nauseated or dizzy, just stop, but exercise is good for you, and as long as your doctor is alright with it, it improves blood return, and anything to get those legs working and better muscle tone will decrease the pooling in your extremities!

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This is popping up at a very opportune time as I just joined a new gym after being something of a lumpy couch potato for the last year or so....my husband and I mountain bike pretty frequently, but the DC Metro area climate prevents that from being a year-round option (for instance, today the heat index was 105..blargh!). The gym I joined has several pools and tons of ellipticals, bikes, treadmills, etc. as well the as the typical weight machines, and I love all of the class options as well (kickboxing does wonders for stress!).

I find that I sometimes hesitate to push myself too much in public for fear of having some kind of episode, so I watch my HR monitor like a hawk, and that, unfortunately, results in an even less intense workout. I'm trying to increase gradually until I'm at the "Show No Mercy--Take No Prisoners" level, but we'll see how it goes....my HR is typically right where it should be for carido workouts (about 155), so I'm hoping I'll become more confident as time passes.

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You can google target heart rate zone calculations that will tell you where your heart rate should be to achieve certain levels of fitness.

150-160bpm is right in my target HR for endurance training

I think 150bpm for 40 minutes is fantastic. When I first started I tried interval training so it wouldnt stress my poor heart too much, I would go 5 minutes at 140 then 5 minutes at 120 (just lowered the intensity, and speed). I was thinking along the lines of your heart being a muscle and when people work their arms/legs etc they do reps, and little breaks inbetween reps for rest and muscle recovery. So I tried that for the first month, till I built up stamina and strength. Now Im almost in month three and Im running 3.5 miles

Yes, I also struggled with interval training at the beginning, so I stopped until I built up more endurance. Every person is different but I would recommend just exercising at a consistent pace when you're starting off.

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Thanks! I'm going to keep going. :) Ophelialit- I live 20 minutes from DC! :)

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Well, hey there, neighbor! :D Then you know all too well how the weather around here can wreak havoc on well-intentioned exercise plans...if it's not boiling hot, it's snowing, icing, storming, earthquaking or hurricaning (yes, we had ALL of those last year!). We're also about 20 miles from DC on the MD side. Now that I think of it, I remember you mentioning that you're a patient of Dr. Abdallah's in Reston--I have my first appt. with him in 2 weeks!

Keep up the good work with the gym, and I'll try to do the same! (Hey, wouldn't it be weird if we belonged to the same gym??)

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It depends on your underlying health and if you're prone to syncope or you have connective tissue disorders.

For me my doctor cleared me to exercise, so I was exercising consistently at 200 bpm.

I wondered about the heart rate question Jangle as I recall you posted this article on exercise

http://hyper.ahajournals.org/content/45/3/391.full suggesting this formula

training heart rate=resting heart rate+(heart rate max −resting heart rate) ×0.6±5 bpm.

Calculated maximum heart rate can be roughly calculated for a non-POTS person as 220-age. However, my maximum heart rate when I did a stress echo treadmill was much higher than this calculated number off meds. Also my propranolol slows my heart rate now. So I figure I can not use a formula very well. I am just unsure if I should go for more distance or speed in trying to build up.

I am finding it is helping though. So far about 6 1/2 miles per week ( done split 3-4 days ) and trying to increase distance by 10% per week.

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I just did my stationary bike last night, and my hr gets in the 190s and i feel like death for hour after...should i keep going? I would call up Dr. Goodman, but heis out of town.


That is very high hr and feeling like death afterward can't be a good thing...

I end up on the floor for an hour -unable to even lift my head up (soo dizzy and feeling horrible) after 12-15 minutes on the recumbant bike. After trying a few times with the same result, I decided it just wasn't worth it for me (I felt like my body was screaming "I'm not ready for this"). I know we have to push ourselves, but this definitely felt counterproductive for me, at that stage. I can do 4-5 minutes on the recumbant bike 5 times/day without symptoms and when I'm in that routine, I've noticed improvements with brain fog, energy level, etc. It has required a big shift in my thinking (and of course huge disappointment :( ) because I realized that I just can't push through, like I could before I had Pots. I'll be happy to shift my thinking back though, anytime my body is ready to co-operate B)

Whatever you do...trust your gut feelings and be careful! :)

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