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Anger, Rage Connected To This Illness????

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7 hours ago, MikeO said:

Have you been checked for low blood sugars? can't say it's your issue but is one thing to check.

When I started feeling sick the first thing I did was reach out for counseling. I have cried and been more emotional with the therapist than anyone in my life. Probably not a good thing but it’s a start to having healthy relationships. Maybe? Good luck and keep missing the TV. Too expensive to replace.

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Thank you both.

My blood sugars have been normal. I appreciate the counceling point.

I was thinking about the overall emotional state and severe chronic fatigue at first, but after the last episode (when I was feeling relatively well) I'm pretty sure it is not the fundamental issue, like the final straw sending me over the top. It is only ever triggered by frustration and is triggered every time I am frustrated.  I am pretty sure this is a mis-fire of the fight-or-flight response to a stressor. 

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On 7/12/2024 at 12:49 PM, MeAgain... said:

Thank you both.

My blood sugars have been normal. I appreciate the counceling point.

I was thinking about the overall emotional state and severe chronic fatigue at first, but after the last episode (when I was feeling relatively well) I'm pretty sure it is not the fundamental issue, like the final straw sending me over the top. It is only ever triggered by frustration and is triggered every time I am frustrated.  I am pretty sure this is a mis-fire of the fight-or-flight response to a stressor. 

The first thing that comes to my mind whenever someone with chronic fatigue mentions frustration triggering unexpected rage outbursts and throwing stuff and sobbing is, Bartonella. But bart's usual physical symptoms are pretty specific (foot pain, bone pain, stretchmark-looking skin nodule marks.. can't remember what they're called), a good rheumatologist would be the one to rule that out. Maybe looking into how bartonella affects neuro stuff could perhaps lead you to some other ideas on possible root causes at least? 

Just wanted to throw it out there since that infection can be devastating and costly when it goes undiagnosed (my partner's was missed for 1-2 years and ever since then they've suffered 24/7/365 head-to-toe pain in addition to the ME/CFS and dysautonomia). Bartonella Babe made a good yt channel on it with all sorts of well researched info and experiences documented (although sadly she's no longer with us). 

Bart rage is also a bit more neuro involved, I think.. in my experience those outbursts are almost like the stuff of very angsty teenagers when they say exactly the thing that they know is gonna cut to your core seemingly out of nowhere 😭💔 and then throwing and punching stuff and sobbing etc.. My partner's often catches me and their family by surprise, it is very 0 to 60 in response to the smallest frustration, and it isn't in their personality or nature at all for them to ever be that mean on their own (and definitely not violent). It's a reaction that goes well beyond the bitter feelings that chronic illness can bring about, it's not them at all. 

My own dysautonomia blowups during the worst weeks I experienced were more like "I am way past my limit and can't handle any more stressors right now and so I am raging" but I don't remember throwing anything or sobbing, my chest was just killing me from the stress, think my blood pressure was up those days.. Was not a pleasant time and thankfully I did find it to be within my control, so I was able to learn to cope and avoid anymore brutal chest pain from stress overload.. But I definitely empathize as I've seen what it's like when it's become the apparent default stress response, it's really h*** for someone to live with that being their stress reaction. Hopefully answers will start turning up for you soon, try to hang in there, the people who care about you will learn to understand in the meantime. 

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9 hours ago, bumpkin said:

 Maybe looking into how bartonella affects neuro stuff could perhaps lead you to some other ideas on possible root causes at least? 


Thank you very much for sharing. I'm sure it is not the same infection as I have had no exposure or other symptoms, but looking into the root causes of the rage might help me find a direction at least. The strange thing about this is that I can be in an absolutely normal frame of mind, even relaxed or in a relatively good mood. Then I get cut-off in conversation, I can't express myself, I have no control over being able to say what I feel I need to say, and I'm Mr. Hyde in a split second. 

I was under a lot of stress for a long time while trying to keep my job. I think that may be related.

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