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Anger, Rage Connected To This Illness????

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Hi Everyone,

This doesn't happen ALL the time, I think there must be a routine for it, but I can't pinpoint it. But I will have these spells where I will have uncontrollable, scary, and emotional bouts of rage and anger. I turn into this person that I hardly recognize. I yell and scream at my husband. I swear and cannot help myself from using any profanity I can think of. I throw things. I have to be physical but of course that is of course a concern with the amount of anger.


It seems to occur after a bump after the head. I have had it a few times occur without any head trauma or concussions. Just out of the blue, I will have these fits. I try to stay to myself as much as I can but if someone upsets me even slightly I will lose control in a way that I am almost watching myself from above in horror and thinking: "WHO is this crazy, psychotic woman????"

I would say they occur once every 3-4 months. They can last from up to a week.... but usually 4 or 5 days. Just got over my last one about 2 days occur. They are threatening my marriage and my husband thinks that they are within my control, and maybe they are, but it doesn't feel that way at the time. It feels as if it is completely out of my control. It is so unlike my normal personality, which is not that way at all. I will admit that I am controlling to a point describing myself as a Type A personality. I have never been mean and hateful, though. Loving and caring but with just the urge to push a bit. But to be angry, yelling and hateful? NEVER. Has anyone ever had these surges of anger and rage? I can just FEEL the anger boiling... they ALWAYS occur at night. I can feel the hormones surge. Not sure if it has to do with excessive concussions,

POTS, or depression, or WHO KNOWS????? It if very humiliating to admit this here. No one knows about it except my family and mainly just my husband. Thank you so much.


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ive noticed that if i am already having hig adrenaline leves, it does not take much to set me off. its funny you just mentioned this because it happened to me tonight. i lost it with my dad and i felt the surge or rage, even to the point my vision turns white. its really scary after it happens to know i can get that angry. it never happened like that pre pots, vut i noticedmit really hapened a lot for me when i was in my first trimester during pregnancy, so maybe hormones?

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Wow, is this a timely subject. Just last night my daughter went in to a fit of rage (and I am not proud to say that I lost my temper with her). This has been happening a lot lately (she was not lke this before POTS). I am trying to figure out if it is the POTS or depression. Either way I want my old daughter back!!!!!

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This is very much related to the sympathetic nervous system on a high.... I can get very demonstrative at sometimes, when I feel as if I have something to share, and no one is listening. I think it had to do with my medications holding me down for so long; it was as if I wasn't there, and now that I have some of my energy back, and have leveled off, I am more present in the conversation then I used to be, and don't want to be dismissed. We still are the same people, but medications sometimes can change behavior, and then when family gets used to the "slower" you, and you maybe feeling somewhat better, you are more likely to fight to be heard, and sometimes can go overboard, when this happens. I can totally relate to this.... I also have a bit of the Irish and Scottish in me, with names like Bell (see above), Malooly, Conlon, Horgan etc. Not excusing bad behavior by any means, (we all need self control), because we all have the propensity to loose our temper, it's just more magnified in us with our nervous system being all over the map!!

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Like Dani I have had this with high adrenalin. I am a very mild mannered person by nature but once kicked a trashcan in anger! Crazy! I had to hammer out the dent. Being on a beta blocker has helped with this. I know high blood pressure is considered "silent" but I personally can feel the swings.

It was really helpful for me to know that this was a physical problem. Just wanted you to know that you are not alone. I knew that the anger I felt was disproportionate to the situation. It was helpful to explain to my children that I felt cranky, but it was the pots causing the feelings.

PS if you kick a trashcan, choose plastic not stainless steel!

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Wow... I am very sad that any of you go through this. In my case, and it sounds like many of yours, it can change from anger to rage very quickly. It is so out of character for me. Before I had this flare, I've never had anything like this occur. I was quite young when my POTS/ Autonomic Dysfunction Neuropathy began but this has been the most terrible by far- no comparison. I have always wondered if it was from my concussions or more hormones.

I had been thinking that the effects of so many concussions might take longer than a year, give or take, to manifest.

Monstrosity, Mine seem to build up, reach a peak and then slowly go back down. That process takes about 2-3 weeks on average. Kayjay and Dani I had always been extremely mild mannered, go with the flow people pleaser. Over the last year, it seems as if there is this discontent that is just always "there". Not anger or rage always, but not right. Definitely stuck in bed 90% of the time. I vowed I wasn't going to feel for myself and be pitiful and whiny all the time. Not sure which is worse "Poor Me" or crabby. I try so hard to stay even but I bant always manage it, especially when I haven't had a treatment yet that has improved me in the slightest, only made me worse. Now that it's getting nice out, I was to be THERE...

Like Kim I do notice a personality change as well. I'm WAY more assertive than I used to be. Now I want my opinion expressed. When I'm not in my rage mode, It is fine.. Just so different. It seems every time I get together with family/friends, a huge "intervention" seems to develop; you don't seem your normal self, you seem st stress, you were pretty harsh with Uncle Harry. I've explained it time and time again.

I really do feel for my kids though o I make that we talk about these changes, but as much as I'd like to say they are, they aren't exempt from them- we have 6 kids from 9 yrs old to my oldest almost 16. I don't know how you girls/guys handle with little ones or babies. You must be exhausted. My husband gets the absolute worst of it though. Has it changed by of your relationships? Of course any chronic marriage will change a marriage- but the rage is a whole dynamic. Thanks Kaytbug- I'm going to check out your link right now!!!

Okay- today let's all count to 10, breathe deeply, and imagine our Happy Place.... Maybe I just need to work harder but I have a harder time breathing when I think about and hem I'm annoyed that I can't go to my Happy Place....


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me too Jen! my specialists said it is because I have way too many catecholamines and my receptors don't work properly to get it out of my system....so even on a good day I still have too much....god help anyone when I am having a bad day ;) I have just explained to everyone that I have an adrenaline issue and dont take it personally....I really cant control it.....


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Same here. I HATE the person I become at times but like you say...feels totally out of my control...but even as I write that it seems ludicrous to say because it SHOULD be under my control and I hate that it isn't. When you think about it though it makes sense because the same neurotransmitters that cause so many of our other symptoms are also involved in our emotional state as well so it seems reasonable that the emotional charge would go along with the physical issues we have.

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yep I totally agree with you chaos :) I can feel the change come over my system but it just isnt something I can control....my specialist said the autonomic system is also in charge of fight or flight......some are fighters (me definately lol!) and some are flight (crying jags etc) before POTS I was such a more passive person...not anymore :( I spend alot of time apologizing on my bad days.... oh well....


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Oh Bren- I hear you. It seems as if I spend half my life angry and the half apologizing!!!!! You'd think people close to me would get it would get it. I wasn't like this before. It's a cyclical behavior. I'm an emotional basket case. And I feel ganged up on when people get together to discuss "JEN". Do you think this is helping??? I feel worse than anyone. I don't even know that raging woman and I guarantee no one dislikes her more than I do!!!

Thanks for all your replies on a very difficult subject!


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I dont get the uncontrollable rage but I have noticed I can get very irritable if my blood pressure starts dropping! Its always a warning sign my family can pick up on that I need to lie down! I'm on morphine due to EDS 3 and if I have to increase my meds I get moody on that. I know thats totally normal!

I have noticed I cry much more easily than I used to - I'd like to add I'm not depressed, but if I see a soppy tv advert or watch a tv programme with strong emotional content Im off! Gets a bit embarressing when you have to answer the front door with tears streaming down your face and snot dripping from your nose! lol!


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i used to be on some forums for pheochromocytoma when my doctors believe i had that on top of my pots, but i am just hyper. but on those forums they talked a lot about the anger rages they would have and how they could not cotrol it , and it was due to the high levels of catecholamines being released in their bodies. from what they had to say it was more common when their epinephrine and dopamine were not but not as much when it was just norepinephrine levels being high. the ones with only high norepinephrine had more anxiety type issues over anger issues.

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  • 7 years later...

I just learned about this site. Have had dysautonomia for years. Main symptoms for me only involved blood pressure, heart rate and temperature regulation. Last period of time have experienced periods of sudden extreme depression and periodic inexplicable fits of rage. I’m 58 and had no idea these additional symptoms might be related to my dysautonomia. Thx and glad to know I’m not alone. Will discuss with doctors.

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@Ian T welcome to the forum! I am sorry you have been affected this long. Sudden mood swings - such as depression and rage - are serious and I am glad you are planning to see your doctor soon. You do not have to live like this, there are medications and other methods to help with these symptoms.  Best of luck!!!!!

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Thx Pistol. Working on it. We only have 3 specialists of this type in my metro area. Waiting 2.5 months to get fresh testing. They say they will only then give me a name/referral and that it will likely take 1-2 years to get initial appointment with specialist! Argh! I am regularly being taken by paramedics to ER only to have undereducated hospitalists reinvent the wheel hopelessly. Working with palliative care doctor to develop a document to prevent these ridiculous useless hospitalizations. Have DNR and healthcare power of attorney in place. Can only hope and pray.

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  • 4 years later...

Hello, Everyone.

I know this thread is old and there are others like it, but I have questions for those who have sudden rage triggered by an event as opposed to those who are dealing with more general irritability or unexpected mood swings. 

I am having frequent (1-2 times per week) uncontrollable outbursts in response to mild frustration. That is, anyone would find the situation frustrating, but I redline immediately at the slightest frustration with no warning resulting in yelling, throwing things, flailing my arms and sometimes uncontrollable sobbing after. A response by far disproportionate to the stressor. I can see and hear myself doing this, but in the moment, I have minimal control over my actions. (I was able to throw the remote at the wall instead of the tv when I couldn’t enter my password, but I could not stop myself from throwing the remote, yelling, cussing up a storm) The outbursts last up to 5 minutes, afterwards I am exhausted even through the next day. 

 The last time it happened, I was actually feeling a bit better than usual and was in a relatively good mood, then a slight frustration for not being called on in class to clarify something I had said that had been misquoted and *bam*. Redline. I threw my notebook, my arms were flailing, I was yelling. I did manage to leave the room before the episode ran its course. After I stopped bawling outside, I returned to my seat and apologized to everyone and was okay for the last few minutes of class. After this, I was totally drained and did nothing but sleep the next day. This makes me think it is much more due to something related to a sympathetic nervous system misfire than the result of an emotional overload or over fatigue.

I was diagnosed with POTS two years ago, but the outbursts only started last year. At first, they only included short fits of yelling, were no more than a minute in duration, and were months between episodes. Now it is much more frequent, severe, and damaging to relationships, not to mention humiliating.  


I have a competent POTS doctor who is an electrophysiologist. Is that the right kind of doctor to go to for something like this? Is neurology or psychology the better place to go? Does anyone have any clues as to how to get to the bottom of this, like things to look at or questions to ask the doctor? Does anyone have any experience in overcoming this type of uncontrollable outburst by getting to the root of the problem, not just skills in how to cope when it happens?

I really appreciate any insights anyone might have.



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57 minutes ago, MeAgain... said:


Hello, Everyone.

I know this thread is old and there are others like it, but I have questions for those who have sudden rage triggered by an event as opposed to those who are dealing with more general irritability or unexpected mood swings. 

I am having frequent (1-2 times per week) uncontrollable outbursts in response to mild frustration. That is, anyone would find the situation frustrating, but I redline immediately at the slightest frustration with no warning resulting in yelling, throwing things, flailing my arms and sometimes uncontrollable sobbing after. A response by far disproportionate to the stressor. I can see and hear myself doing this, but in the moment, I have minimal control over my actions. (I was able to throw the remote at the wall instead of the tv when I couldn’t enter my password, but I could not stop myself from throwing the remote, yelling, cussing up a storm) The outbursts last up to 5 minutes, afterwards I am exhausted even through the next day. 

 The last time it happened, I was actually feeling a bit better than usual and was in a relatively good mood, then a slight frustration for not being called on in class to clarify something I had said that had been misquoted and *bam*. Redline. I threw my notebook, my arms were flailing, I was yelling. I did manage to leave the room before the episode ran its course. After I stopped bawling outside, I returned to my seat and apologized to everyone and was okay for the last few minutes of class. After this, I was totally drained and did nothing but sleep the next day. This makes me think it is much more due to something related to a sympathetic nervous system misfire than the result of an emotional overload or over fatigue.

I was diagnosed with POTS two years ago, but the outbursts only started last year. At first, they only included short fits of yelling, were no more than a minute in duration, and were months between episodes. Now it is much more frequent, severe, and damaging to relationships, not to mention humiliating.  


I have a competent POTS doctor who is an electrophysiologist. Is that the right kind of doctor to go to for something like this? Is neurology or psychology the better place to go? Does anyone have any clues as to how to get to the bottom of this, like things to look at or questions to ask the doctor? Does anyone have any experience in overcoming this type of uncontrollable outburst by getting to the root of the problem, not just skills in how to cope when it happens?

I really appreciate any insights anyone might have.



Have you been checked for low blood sugars? can't say it's your issue but is one thing to check.

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