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Stomach On Fire

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My whole stomach feels so wierd- it feels like someone lit a match inside of it. What is this? GERD? I have GERD, and its never felt like this before? Could this just be a really bad case of it? I'm also really nauseaous and burping a lot. Thanks for any ideas.

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For the nausea, I've heard smelling an orange helps. (Never tried it, but also, sea bands are good to. It's like it's a pressure point on your wrist, I wear them all the time) Also, I've had experience with stomach pain, (I have it all the time, literally) if it's cramping, hold a pillow and curl up. You also might need to eat, just like crackers or something. Sometimes it's good to just get something in your stomach.

I hope this helps and that you feel better!!

Kayla, 10

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I wear sea band, acupressure wrist bands, too, when I have stomach issues. Avoid acidic drinks, and just eat small meals. Ginger also helps with nausea, too...I take maalox when it's really bad with the gas reducer, simethicone. Hope the burning subsides :(

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