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Need Pacemaker Upgrade


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My cardiologist secretary phoned me yesterday to say I need an upgrade of my pacemaker which I have had for some years now due originally to complete heart block and more recently I had an av node ablation because I had Superventricular tachycardia. I also have a number of other life limiting chronic illnesses which all impact greatly on my life, but somehow I do seem to muddle through it all and most of the time I stay positive.

My question is - I am sure that when I was with my POTS consultant in May last year that he said if I ever had any medical procedures that I should be placed on a drip to prevent dehydration and wonder if in your opinion that is correct?

I am on Ivabradine, Fludrocortisone, Diltiazem, Prednisilone and other meds for my various conditions.

My POTS consultant was the one that discussed with my cardiologist the upgrade of my pacemaker so I wondered whether I should be letting him know that I am going to have this upgrade imminently?

Also I have been referred to see a specialist in joint hypermobility syndrome and wondered what people's experiences of having this were please? I am due to see the consultant in 3 weeks time.

Both these medical things arose only yesterday afternoon so I my mind is in a bit of a whirl to say the least so if I haven't got across my questions clearly then let me know and I will try and rephrase them. I also can't seem to change the heading from the pacemaker thin to a general one.

Thanks for your time ...

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the following is from the DINET web site "things to avoid"

"Dehydration is one of the worst states a POTS patient can be in. It is very important to always stay well hydrated.'

so that should answer your question."

wishing you good luck

Thanks for that, I knew I had read it somehwere.

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