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Forget The Wheelchair!


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Wow. I'm not sure if I should be amazed or if I should laugh! I can see how this might be helpful for some people who don't have the energy to walk very far. However, it seems to be marketed toward healthy people, so I couldn't help but think of the movie Wall-E while watching the video.

It is a really neat gadget. Gadget seems like such a small word for such an incredible piece of equipment. It's not something I would be able to use, though. I need the full support of a wheelchair seat and back. Sitting up on that thing would be exhausting for me, and it would allow more blood to pool than when I'm in my wheelchair.

Neat stuff, though!


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Not sure I'd tolerate something like this very well. It looks like something that would make me motion sick. However, my husband and sons think it looks WONDERFUL! They're watching it over and over. :) Thanks for the link!

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