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Pressure In Chest With Activity/exercise


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Okay well I worked again last night for 5 1/2 hours and I realize it may have been a bit much after just working the weekend.

What gets me is when I have my med pass and I'm on my feet running for maybe an hour.

Last night instead of pushing the cart down the hall again cause then I'm kind of stuck there standing.

I did it sitting again in the nurses station and just ran the meds down to the people.

Most of the way through this I felt pressure in my chest and light pain.

It was hard to tell if it was gas pressure kinda felt like it like if I could just burp I'd feel better.

And it's just pushing myself to keep going.

I'd say the worst of it let up but even coming home last night I just had a slight pressure around my heart area and a fatigue and I guess you could say it's gone now.

My vitals were normal for me when I got home with my machine 99/70 and 78.

While at work though I took it with one of those wrist cuffs and for some reason I get freaky high numbers with that.

I don't know if it's the exercise that's causing it?

The one number was 159/94 and that one gave me anxiety but then I took it the correct way with arm up within 5 minutes and I got 107/60.

Anybody else get the pressure and even the high bp? if mine was accurate with activity and am I hurting myself or is this considered reconditioning?

I don't want to damage myself.

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On Sunday, my son was kicking a soccer ball back and forth with his friend. Not overdoing it, just kicking it, after 10 or 15 minutes they were done. I took his bp/hr. I could not believe how high it was. BP was like 152/100 and HR was 169! I asked him if he felt bad, and he said he didn't feel it. We tested the BP cuff on a couple other people, and the readings were normal.

He paid for it the next day. On Monday, he could not get out of bed until 4:00. After doing water jogging yesterday, his stats weren't too bad. So maybe the pressure of the water helps, I guess that's why his doctor wants him to exercise in water.

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Chest pain with exertion is telling you something. I'm suppose to let my cardio know whenever this happens and if this becomes a pattern more invasive testing needs to be done as it's a sign of something else is going on.


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Thanks for responding Christy.

My heart rates did seem normal. The highest I saw was maybe 108 which is not bad for POTS.

It seems my bp's are going up now instead of the pulse? If that was even accurate?

I would feel more comfortable with my own machine and almost wish I had the resources for cardiac rehab.

Then maybe I would get a feel for what is okay reconditioning and what is not.

I guess I can ask next doctor's appointment and see what she says.

I did have a freaky high bp and showed it way back to my internist and he said not even to worry about it since in just blipped up and right back down again.

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Thanks Bella Mia the thing is I have gotten that pain/pressure feeling so many times and nothing shows up as being wrong when they check my heart. They say I'm fine so I feel soooo confused about this.

I guess I feel conflicted and it isn't the first time I have felt this way.

Before I cut my hours way back I felt this way periodically and my big question was is this unhealthy to push your body this way? I didn't want to do damage. I don't know if anyone can tell me what the effects will be?

It seems more logical to try to work your way up. To push to the point it starts to get uncomfortable and then stop. But maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.

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have you had esophageal spasms before? they are also like that but need to be seen an dxed. I take a ccb for it as well as my raynaund, and for my bp.

Do you have refulfx, as that asso feel pretty uncomfortable and similar? at least to me... :blink: have it right now :( bellamia~*

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Something is going on and it starts when I'm real active and then it carries over. I was in the bath and it started and it does make my heart beat faster almost give me palpitations. I had a feeling that my heart was up in my throat. It's like there is a pressure bubble just sitting there a gas bubble that won't come up. I did take a simethicone. I have belched a couple times but there is a big one just sitting there. I'm relieved to think it is not my heart but this is pretty uncomfortable too.

Is a ccb a calcium channel blocker?

And I took my vitals as soon as I could get back to my bed and they are fine 92/55 and 82.

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Yes it is :rolleyes: BINGO! YOU WIN THE PRIZE TODAY!

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High BP and HR are normal with exertion. During Pilates, my BP is 185/140 and my HR is in the 160+ range. It TOTALLY depends on the type of exercise as well. Cardio won't cause a BP spike that high unless there is something wrong, but weights or anaerobic strength training is just about the same as the Valsalva. As long as it comes back down, it is probably OK. You also did it with a wrist cuff: Vandy couldn't get the thing to read on me because I constrict so hard in my extremities: so the blood pressure in your wrist would be higher if you were a constrictor.

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Whew! So basically going to work and doing all the running up and down the hall is comparable to a physical workout.

And I'm sure I'm not at that intensity for the entire shift it's just when I've been up and at it for a while that it starts in and I feel the burn. I am just now starting to feel "normal" here and it's been 24 hours since I began that shift more like 18 since I finished it. It take me quite a while to recover.

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