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Is This Just A Bad Day?


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I just feel overwhelmed.

Somedays I feel ready to take on the world.

I'm not sure what it is but today I have the spirit of doubt and almost as I said feel overwhelmed.

I'm not sure if it's just normal everyday stress?

I keep also getting flashbacks of my scariest POTS times ever and I know I'm not there now.

I'm not sure where this is coming from.

Does it take energy to stay upbeat and am I just tired?

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Okay well this feeling built up to an episode.

I have a lot that needs to happen tonight.

11 year old has his first middle school dance and 8 year old has a birthday tomorrow.

Then mom called and wants to take 8 year old out to supper and to buy him a gift.

So 8 year old starts suggesting that we try to go buy his cookies before they come to pick him up and is running about 3 scenario's by me including not going with them tonight and going with me instead which I didn't know if I could handle was feeling poor.

Then husband calls. Just as I went to pick up the phone I started in. Felt fuzzy and it went to my head so got lightheaded. It feels like someone is kind of playing my spinal cord like a bass violin just that it's like it's hitting me and making me feel woozy. So I hit the deck trying to talk to husband but feeling increasingly worse finally telling him can we just talk about this later?

My symptoms peaked and I felt intense nausea and as if I was going to just have uncontrollable diarrhea. Then it was basically over I started to come out of it. But felt incredibly helpless and depressed. My vital signs as soon as it was over were just fine. 100/56 and pulse 87.

And I started to cry as an uncontrollable urge and felt very depressed.

It's been over an hour now and I feel just fine? Almost better than I did before the episode so I don't know if this is being brought on my psychological stress and pressure I'm feeling to do things that I don't feel able to do?

Kind of feeling out of control? Wanting to be able to do it all but feeling weak and vulnerable?

I used to get that stress like if my husband would call at work where it would make me feel like I was going to have a bm. It's almost like that reaction is just intensified now and it's a psychological problem coming out through my body.

Oh the other stress here I had tried to clean up yesterday and it looks worse I think now than before I ever started plus I really need groceries in the house but don't have it in me to take the kids to the store with me. So just a lot of things I want and need to do that I don't feel like I can.

I guess I'm going to just have to work on this. I'm thinking of keeping a journal of how I'm feeling and my activity and also what I eat. I can try to see if there is any pattern to this.

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I'm wondering if I just have conversion disorder?

I just read about it and it seems like it might fit me.

I just don't know what to think anymore.

It doesn't make sense to me that I can have these episodes and then just seem to be okay after and I don't understand where the panic attacks fit in.

Like the last episode I had at work was just as I was preparing to go in and give meds quite a list crushed through a g tube to 2 people plus hang their tube feeds. That is the only time I started to feel bad so it seems like stressful events brings it out of me.

I think they were like my last thing to do but I still felt like I was going to be trapped in there in a tedious situation and it may have triggered me.

Also I start to feel weird in crowded open spaces like any of the events I've just gone to with my kids. I start to get a weird feeling in my head.

Like a panic attack.

And when I went to my daughter's dance recital I totally couldn't walk in that dark theater without getting really dizzy and feeling as if I would fall.

I think a lot of this is situational and that when stress is involved I start to get bodily symptoms.

Sorry just trying to figure this out.

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