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Chronic Pain And Pots

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What does anyone take for chronic pain? What can you take for severe pain --like a broken foot leg? I have tried Demoral with Phenagan and Tramadol. Both make my POTS symptoms allot worse. The tramadol is the least offensive but still is messing me up. I broke all the bones and ankles off, tore all the ligaments and tendons loose. Basically broke my foot off my leg. I have 10 screws and a plate. The blood vessels and nerves have to regenerate themselves. When I put my foot down, it fills up with blood and it wont go back up my leg until I elevate my foot. I already had real bad circulation and compression stockings were my friend. I don't know how long it will take for the blood vessels to regenerate. I tried to not take any medicine, but couldn't take the pain. I'm wrapping the bad leg and foot with ace bandages, but it's not helping very much. Anyone have any suggestions?

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I echo Firewatcher's suggestion of having an anesthesiologist or pain doctor give you some sort of local block. There are local anesthetics that can last for days, up to a week. You need to call you surgeon and ask about this option, and if he can't help you then ask for a referral to a good pain clinic (and for him to state that you need to see a pain doc ASAP!). Seriously, I cannot imagine having my foot so damaged and having no pain control. :(

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You poor thing! :(

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They gave me a nerve block when they did my surgery. It only lasted 2 days. Since I already have nerve damage, they were even afraid to do it the first time. They said there was a chance of permanant problems with them. Thanks for the suggestions though. If you have any other ideas, I'll be here. Seems like I'm on this site allot now that all I can do is sit or lie. You get tired of TV and reading. So, I'm trying to educate myself on the POTS issues a little more. Still haven't found a doctor for that yet, with just moving here. Now this break is going to slow down progress on that. I'm just trying to take the tramadol when I can't take it any more. So far, I'm down to 2 a day. That's as low as I can go. It's still too much for the POTS. Any suggestions gratefully appreciated.

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I am so sorry you are in such pain.

I agree with the others. You should be under the care of a pain management specialist for this. Pain should be treated. there is no reason for you to suffer like this.

We are pulling for you.



Edit - your post appeared after I answered. If I were you, I would consider asking for Oxycontin 10 mg - it doesn't have the additives most of the other pain meds have and lasts 7 hours so you don't have the ups and downs.

Add'l pain meds can be prescribed for breakthrough pain, if needed. Addiction is not an issue if properly managed. I have been on it for years and have managed to lose the pain meds when I did not need them (as in no disease flare). Actually, now that I think about it I haven't taken one in over a week. It is a great medicine for those in need - remember people in pain take pills to function while addicts function to take pills.

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For a non medical option, you might try your local nurses' association and ask if they could put you in touch with anyone who practices Healing Touch. I took a course in Therapeutic Touch at a hospital from the Nurse Practitioner at the pain clinic who was also certified in Healing Touch. It was extremely interesting.

When my mother was in the ICU in a Catholic hospital and they could not get her pain under control, I asked for a nurse with healing touch credentials. The nurse volunteer who responded only had Reiki experience but I welcomed anything after 3 hours of saying the rosary. It worked where nothing else had. It was interesting to watch her surgeon, a gentlemen of experience, as he watched how it gave her some relief.

Just throwing ideas out there in hopes something eases your pain.


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I'm so sorry you're in such pain! The only thing that works for me is Percocet, 5 mg/325. I take half of one, or a whole one if really necessary. I'm very sensitive to a lot of pain meds, but Percocet is great.

Hope you feel better soon!

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