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Cautiously Ecstatic With Stomach Bloating Improvement!

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I have had stomach bloating for almost 10 years. I have gone to numerous gi docs over those years, had a zillion tests(scopes, etc.). The only actual test I have not had is the test that checks how fast things move through. I KNOW by symptoms my food doesn't move very fast--I can burp my food up 5 hours after my last meal. I have had a battery of meds--reglan(no more), tried erythrocin(did not help), and domperidone.

In the last year my bloating has been unbearable at times. I was constantly pushing in my upper abdomen, like somehow that was going to move things. I would get chest pain when it was really bad. I emailed a PhD acquaintence that works in the nutrition field, and told him about my digestive issues, along with my POTS history. He mentioned that enzymes in the body are KEY in getting everything done. He mentioned that this has been known for many years by researchers, but hasn't fully made it into the mainstream medical care.

I do know that certain people with obvious diseases, such as cystic fibrosis or people who have no pancreas, have to take digestive enzymes.

Soooo, I bought some digestive enzymes, and NO MORE BLOATING! I am not sure if I am having a freakish week with no bloating(which never happened before), but I really believe the enzymes have helped. NOW I can look back and see that the food probably got to my stomach/intestines and not much happened. Then the intestines had to deal with all this undigested food, and I am sure that's what gave me so much gas that I would burp like a sailor.

If I have not been digesting my food adequately for 10 years, then I can just imagine what the fall out has been as the years went by. I know the body needs all the nutrients to run smoothly and help prevent disease. Who knows--maybe my POTS happened as a result of lack of nutrition related to inadequate digestion, not from lack of healthy diet. Time will tell if I have any improvement.

I am thrilled to not eat and feel like I just dumped a load of yeasted cement into my stomach! I told my husband I can now eat and not "feel" my food in there for hours afterwards. I will update this post to let people know if I continue to have success.

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That is so exciting!

A while back a GI doc of my gave me a prescription for pancreatic enzymes. It didn't do anything positive, and unfortunately, was causing loose stools for me. BTW, which ones are you using, and how often?

You know, there must be some blood test that shows your level of pancreatic enzymes, whether too low or too high?

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The "brand" I am using is just a generic brand that was labelled from my local health food store. You know, when you go in a store and they have their "house" version--that's what this is, so I can't say it is a certain brand. I take one with lunch and one with supper. But, I will list the ingredients:




protease I pH 3.0

protease II pH 4.5

protease III pH 6.0





malt diastase




Futurehope--I have also been prescribed Creon(prescription enzymes) a few years ago and they didn't do anything. I also think someone should have been able to test my pancreas' ability to produce or not produce adequate enzymes. I am really beginning to believe gi docs are only in it now for the easy endoscopy and colonoscopy routines. If they have to actually think, they don't want to.

I know I am lactose intolerant, so drink Lactaid milk and don't take in any other dairy, so know it's not just due to the lactase. I don't know why this combination seems to be working, but it does! I usually respond badly to anything I take, so I was very hesitant to even try this. I'm glad I did. I can't wait to bring this in to show my gi doc at my next appt. in June. At the very least, I will make him aware of the possibility of "maldigestion" of future patients that complain of bloating.

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I so agree with you. Colonoscopy, endoscopy...the $$$ makers. Anything outside the usual 15 minute visit, and forget it. The few times I was helped a little bit is when I suggested a possibility to the doctor. Other than me instigating, I suspect the doctor is not interested.

I have also been diagnosed with Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth, SIBO, which can cause bloating/cramps. I can take an antibiotic every three months for 1 week to keep this in check. I am the one that had suggested to my GI doc that my autonomic nervous system malfunctions, so I asked the doc if it could be possible that my intestinal transit time is affected? He got an "aha" moment, and tested me for SIBO. I was positive. But, after reading your post, I'm thinking the bloat can be because of a lack of enzymes (maybe due to ANS malfunction?), not SIBO.

I would LOVE to try your enzymes, but I know ahead of time that I would suffer painful heartburn from taking them. I wish I were wrong, but they are hard on my stomach. That's why the doc tried me on the prescription Creon (which did nothing, but at least did not cause heartburn).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to say that it has been 17 days now and the bloating is still gone due to taking digestive enzymes! I cannot wait until next month to tell my gi doc at my follow up appt. I cannot believe that something so simple has never crossed my gi docs' minds. It makes sense NOW that I see how the enzymes are helping digest down my food, but why didn't a doctor imagine that undigested food might be causing so much gas production and then ballooning of the intestines??? I know I have said it before, but too many doctors are just taking the easy way out and not THINKING.

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