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I Finally Tried Cannabis And Now Its Made Me Worse.


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I had been contemplating the use of cannabis for sometime now as a form of alternative therapy to manage my chronic pain, one of the main reasons for wanting to try it was due to my unusual version of Dysautonomia whereby every substance that acts on the Autonomic System was causing me severe adverse reactions such as sedatives, analgesics, stimulants and opiates. I had enough of countless emergency room visits and near death experiences after taking opiates for my pain...

So I finally tried Cannabis and it turned out to be a huge mistake, Whilst I was afraid it would cause issues with my vitals which ended up at blood pressure 197/106 ( a new record for me) and hr at 129 (not so bad) it turned out to be the least of my worries as that the major concern which I least expected was in fact my gastrointestinal system. I found that in the past week every time I smoked cannabis it was totally messing up my digestive tract by increasing movement and resulting in acid reflux, intestinal spasms, vomiting, frequent belching and regurgitating mouthfulls of food and stomach acid. It just got worse and worse after every trial, and last night I was in agony and constantly waking up to run to the bathroom and spit out stomach acid and today I've been having stomach pains all day long even though I haven't tried any cannabis I feel so nauseated almost as if I have motion sickness.

The last time I got this was as after trying the anti nausea drug Maxolon which apparently increases the rate at which the stomach and intestines move during digestion and the rate at which the stomach empties into the intestines effecting the lower esophageal sphincter and increasing gastric antral contractions. I already have problems with rapid gut motility so taking a drug that also speeds up movement resulte in many months of agonising stomach pains, gastroinsteianl problems and distrupted bowel movement making me pledge I would never try Maxolon again but now it seems Cannabis had a very similar effect and it feels like it might be months before I regain stability. After looking online today I found many others complaining of similar digestive problems on cannabis and and explanation that cannabis can actually worsen symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease by decreasing resting pressures of the lower esophageal sphincter. So it seems the damage is done and I just wish there was way to reverse the process.

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"So it seems the damage is done and I just wish there was way to reverse the process."

We all wish the same thing! Sorry it didn't work for you. There was some discussion a while back about the purity and strain of canabis and its effectiveness, you might do a search for it. I hope you find something that works!

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Oh my gosh!

Well first of all thanks for sharing and I am sorry that this happened to you but guess what.

My husband uses just a toke in the evening as he describes it to help with his cyclothemia (like bipolar) illness, He has racing thoughts and has difficulty sleeping and the cannabis has seemed to help but guess what now he has developed chest pain and is having bouts of pancreatitis.

I am wondering if it is related to the cannabis use.

He did admit it to our family physician so maybe she will catch the link there.

His total gi system shut down last fall and he had to be hospitalized for a week.

He just had another flare and has adjusted his diet and it seems to be improving but he was starting to get the intense pain again.

I know that it sounds as if your system got over active.

He has had acid reflux symptoms and was drinking aloe to try to get rid of it.

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I tried some years back for appetite (i rarely have one)

I'd like access to some now for eye issues but apparently nobody i know, knows anybody who uses that stuff anymore...not even musicians. ***?

Sorry it didn't help you.

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I am so sorry this has worked out badly for you.

I had been keeping cannabis in the back of my mind as a potential treatment so I appreciate your post. Of course I would probably have ended up like Sophie and not been able to find any. Now I know not to waste my limited energy.

I hope you recover soon

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Thank you guys for your well wishes, I would just like to add though that I dont want to put off anyone that would potentialy benefit fron Cannabis to avoid it simply due to my reaction but it is worth mentioning that for people who have slowed digestive motility where things arent flowing or working as they should it could possibly help stimulate the digestive tract whilst relaxing other parts but for someone such as myself who suffers from an unstable overactive system where everything is already in a chaotic hyperactive state whereby symptoms shift and fluctuate from one extreme to the next it was really a bad choice.

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Dude I warned ya. Ive tried it three times and two times it amplified POTS by ten.

Cannibis depletes the body of nitric oxide - since reduced nitric oxide levels are already reported at least in some forms of POTS perhaps this is why.

THC was also found to trigger panic disorder in rare individuals - since your doctor believes that POTS and Panic Disorder are both caused by hypermethylation of the NET gene promoter, perhaps weed is a potent methylase - causing or worsening POTS/Panic disorder etc.

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Huh. It really helped my symptoms, and gave me TONS of energy. It wreaked havoc on my sinuses though, and I never got around to trying it in a non-smoked form.

Sorry your experience was so bad. Hope you get better soon.

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