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Heat Hives - Pots Or Just...another Goofy Skin Reaction Of Mine?


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Unfortuantely, it's hot hot hot today and I forgot how bad hot affects me. It's like 88 inside (we have no air in SF) and I'm just drinking G2, staring at my Cat, and dealing.

I did notice I have hives (hadn't eaten anything in a couple hours), just sitting around, and I'm pinker and then hives on mostly my neck/chest.

I looked up heat hives and they look like something that just 'is' and there isn't a known cause in about 70% of cases...I know I'm extra POTSY today so I don't know if that was a trigger or not.

As many of you know I get weird hives now and then (my PCP just handed me an allergists card when I mentioned it!)...but man, these seem to worsen with the heat! I'm Irish-pale so I look like a tomato.

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Of course I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure that hives are usually indicative of an allergic reaction of some sort. Have you tried a Benadryl? Hope it cools down for you soon!

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Usually they are...but I've been through allergy tests and my prior allergist thought I exhibited hives that were an autoimmune reaction, rather than an allergic reaction. Of course it can't be normal, right?

I'm on Zyrtec + Zantac for them and get them from hot showers almost daily.

I didn't realize the high heat would trigger them but maybe they do. I'm seeing a new allergist in a couple weeks so I will ask in case anyone gets weird symptoms like this.

Benadryl sometimes helps for these types of random outbreaks, but it makes me so tired I only take it if they are unbearable.

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I live in Louisiana and hibernate in my air-conditioned house from June through September. You don't know how many times I look at the weather map RIGHT at San Francisco and tell my husband, "They have the perfect weather there!"! Everyday I see the high in the 70s and lows in the 50s. I guess y'all get your odd share of hot weather, too!

I use to live in the summer sun until POTS. Now, like you I guess, 5 minutes in the summer sun and my skin is getting these flat red, quarter-size areas that get really bright red on my arms and legs. It looks bad, but it doesn't itch directly. Don't know what my problem is.

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I live in Louisiana and hibernate in my air-conditioned house from June through September. You don't know how many times I look at the weather map RIGHT at San Francisco and tell my husband, "They have the perfect weather there!"! Everyday I see the high in the 70s and lows in the 50s. I guess y'all get your odd share of hot weather, too!

I use to live in the summer sun until POTS. Now, like you I guess, 5 minutes in the summer sun and my skin is getting these flat red, quarter-size areas that get really bright red on my arms and legs. It looks bad, but it doesn't itch directly. Don't know what my problem is.

One of the reasons we moved was for my health/weather. It's so costly out here I want my stable weather. LOL

But, we do get the rare hot day(s) and it's no fun, I tell you, no fun.

Mine I get from the shower/heat/etc. aren't really itchy like I'd get from a real allergic reaction like rolling in dust mites. Hmmm. If it's auto immune like my prior Allergist thinks we'll probably never know why!

Louisana is hot. I've visted. Very hot. I don't know how the vampires manage. :o

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  • 3 years later...


Today I spent about 1 hour in the sun and ate strawberries. All of a sudden I noticed huge hives on my thighs that look very scary! Could it be a POTS sun allergy or is it the strawberries?! I used to be fine with both sun and strawberries before POTS hit me. Seattle sun is a rare thing LOL so today it was my first sun exposure since I got POTS in November... Do you get these? No pimples, no itchiness, just plain big red spots on my thighs.


Could it be MCAS?

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I also get a rash from the sun (through clothes & on my thighs). We were discussing it recently on a different thread. I've never had an issues like this prior to having Pots. Not sure if your is the same thing or not, but after I had it a few times I noticed it was a 'net like' rash with an outline of red and white in the centers. Here is the link to the other thread, so you can see if it fits for you.


I remember other threads about similar things too. Not sure what keywords would pull it up though - maybe 'sun sensitivity' or something like that.

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I get the rash through my jeans if I sit in the sun. I have livedo reticularis, a reticulated net like rash, and when I sit in the sun in my jeans it seems to exaserbate the rash I already have. If you Google livedo reticularis or reticulated rash you can get some pretty good pictures of it.

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Get the small window ac unit at home depot, put it in your bedroom, and dont get overheated.

Heat is my worst enemy alongside food allergy flares.

Stay cool and calm and you can manage 100 percent better.

Never get overheated or dehydrated.

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There are many causes of livedo reticularis. Some are autoimmune, there's also Emerson's syndrome, antiphospholipid syndrome, and/or it can be completely idiopathic and benign. I can't link from my phone which is where im writing from but I'll put some links on this thread later tonight or tomorrow that I recently found that have some good information on this particular rash.

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