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Bug Bites And Allergic Reaction

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I think I have about 4 bug bites near my right elbow. I say bug bites because it happened rather quickly, unlike a delayed poison ivy reaction. Also, they look like bites, not like blisters.

I am amazed at my allergic response. The rear part of my arm looked last night red like I burned myself. The skin felt very itchy and too tender to touch. The bites looked like ugly big bumps. I looked like I had leprosy back there.

I know it's an allergic reaction because I took 2 benadryls before I went to bed (out of necessity so the itchiness would not affect my sleep for a second night in a row) and two more 6 hours later and the skin looks less red today.

I cannot believe the severity of my reaction to bites. Does anyone have some insight on this? Does it mean my immune system is overreactive?

I would stay on the 2 benedryls every six hours except it's doing a number on my POTS - I'm dizzier and sickish feeling from the medicine, but my body obviously needs something to stop the allergic reaction.

Anyone have similar problems? It makes me wonder if my faulty immune system is what's causing my POTS?

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well i did have a anaphylactic reaction one supposedly to a bug bite i almost died for real. But since then 5 years ago never had a serious reaction to allergies yet. I carry a epi pen with me just in case. But i do have a fear of it so whenever i get a bug bite i usually throw back 2 benadryls of some quercetin and put cortisone cream on it right away,.

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Either anti-histamine cream or a steroid cream would help and might mean you don't need so many benadryl.


I'm doing both an antihistamine cream and the cortisol cream which is prescription strength. I cannot believe how little effect the prescription cortisol is having. Usually, that does the trick fairly quickly with me. I really need to take 2 benedryls now but I do not want to ruin my day by feeling so weird from the pills. I think I'll try to hold off until bedtime.

The itchiness is mingled with a burning sensation. Other than having poison ivy, this is the worst reaction I've ever had and I don't think my husband or anyone else got anything like this. My immune system is messed up, I think.

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Sorry the cream isn't helping. An ice pack sometimes gives a bit of relief or running cold water over your arm.


Yep, I'm off to put the ice on. Can't wait till this additional stress is gone. Maybe another day or two and I'll be fine.

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Sometimes something as simple as plain vinegar or a paste made from baking soda & water helps as much as an antihistamine. Living in the country we are always getting bit by some kind of critter. I'm always thankful it isn't a copperhead. Sorry, I digressed.

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Sometimes something as simple as plain vinegar or a paste made from baking soda & water helps as much as an antihistamine. Living in the country we are always getting bit by some kind of critter. I'm always thankful it isn't a copperhead. Sorry, I digressed.

Thanks for the ideas. I'd rather use natural stuff anyway. Everything can be rather expensive and only used once in a while.

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I think there might be something in toothpaste that helps insect bites. I remember my Guide leader putting toothpaste on her bites at camp one summer (we were all laughing at her). She said only the toothpaste with red stripes worked - no idea if is was actually the colour, I suspect some brands had a certain chemical in them.


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