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Persistant Chin Acne- Cured!


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Hi All-

I've struggled with persistant chin acne since my 20's even though I'm almost 47 y/o!!!! So frustrating. I need face creams for wrinkles and acne at the same time. :lol: I've had little tiny bumps around my chin that sometimes turn into huge cysts. I've done several rounds of accutane, retin-A's, differin, retinols, etc. The most effective regimen that I've found (prior to figuring this out!) was treatment for rosecea: topical metrogel and a daily antibiotic. But , the most frustrating part, was that even that protocol didn't take care of the problem.

I researched rosecea very carefully and learned that it was closely tied in to allergies (aha- the mast cell connection again!) and I recently read that flouride can cause acne in some women. I decided to run a trial and switched to Tom's of Maine, a natural toothpaste sans flouride, for a week. Within 2 days, all of those ugly bumps were gone. It's been several months now and they haven't reoccured. A painful, embarassing, and ugly problem resolved. I am beyond thrilled!

There have been oddles of studies tying mast cell issues to acne. I was shocked to learn that flouride was my trigger. It is everywhere: in our drinking water, mouthwashes, and toothpastes. Worst of all, the American Dental Association, insists that only flouride will prevent tooth decay, etc. I have so much guilt because Mack, my son, has had STRONG reactions to flouride his whole life. After each flouride treatment- every 6 months- he would vomit and become lightheaded, nauseous, etc. But, because flouride was supposedly necessary for healthy teeth, I still made him go through it. He also has experienced a clearing of his skin since switching to Tom's.

Kind of makes you wonder what other products that are supposedly good for us are really making us sick. I know many her suffer with allergy issues that may be connected to your dysautonomia. I just wanted to share this shocking, and potentially life changing, development!!!


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That is so cool! How exciting. And FWIW, I had acne way past the age that you're supposed to, like up to 30 years old. Who knows what I was reacting to? I use Tom's of Maine also, but mine has the fluoride sometimes, depending on where I bought it and what the store carries. Also, I discovered, that even with the Tom's of Maine, the sodium lauryl sulfate (I think this is for foaming action), is quite an irritant inside the mouth and can cause ulcers. I know I cannot leave my toothbrush against my cheek, or that ingredient will cause an ulcer. I had asked my hygientist about that one.

As an aside, you already know that your body tends to be on the sensitive side to "foreign substances". At least you know. I wonder if it originates with a genetic mutation, or, our environment (like immunization at as an infant) will trigger this hyper sensitivity? Heck, in general, foreign substances (not natural) are thrown at us all the time, and eventually our bodies' cannot handle it. That's my take on it.

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Ooh - I didn't know that fluoride allergy could cause acne. Do you think the acne was on your chin because of direct contact with the toothpaste or could it cause acne anywhere?

I have damaged discoloured teeth (fluoridosis) because of excessive fluoride intake as a child (my Mum was advised to use fluoride drops and fluoridated toothpaste on me). I now use an aloe vera toothpaste that does not have fluoride or sodium lauryl sulphate. I buy it from a health food store.


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Yep, the dentist told my Mum to use the drops (he sold them to her) when I was really young 1-5 years. True I didn't have any problems with dental caries but my adult teeth came through a yellowish colour with white ridges.

This picture is worse than my teeth but you get the idea:


My Mum was simply following the dentist's advice, I don't blame her but I will never have pearly white teeth, also they are brittle and I have broken a tooth simply by banging my teeth together after jumping. Like most things there are pros and cons to fluoride.


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