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Something That Helps

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Here's another nugget of info I've learned about myself. This is in addition to the fact that if I eat a protein bar during my first lap of exercise, I do not crash afterwards.

If I eat a protein bar, and I am not exercising, I am "good to go" for hours. I hardly feel like I have POTS?!

Now, I do not know if it is because of the tiny bit of caffeine in the chocolate part of the bar, or the sugar content (my bar uses real sugar, not fakes).

I will have to experiment with the "Glucerna protein bar" chocolate flavor ( no sugar:it's for diabetics) to see if it's the caffeine giving me the boost and not the sugar. I will also experiment with a protein bar without chocolate to see if I get the boost from the sugar content.

In any event, it's great to feel so well for a few hours. I cannot continue eating these bars all around the clock or I'll blimp out.

I'll keep you updated whether its the sugar or the caffeine.

But it's fun to feel human for a while anyway, as opposed to feeling exhausted and dead.

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Just a thought, but perhaps it's also the high protein combined with the sugar? I eat Balance bars once a day, and they usually give me a little 'lift'. They usually have 14-15 grams of protein. Since I'm a vegetarian, it's one of my good-tasting ways to raise my protein level. My doc at Mayo Rochester has told me to drink 1 cup of coffee in the morning - previously I had been drinking green tea. That also helps my 'morning blues'. I'm interested in what you find out. Please keep us posted, or PM me.



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Though I can't work out much but can last 15 minutes on lower body weights, I MUST confess Hostess Ding Dongs or King Dongs used to get me through a workout some years back. :lol:

I need the calories but had to eat it about 15 minutes before workout.

Also a Snickers bar works even better due to lower on the glycemic index.

Just saying for those that need calories, you might find your magic bar...Balance Bar, Candy bar, Hostess Twinkies.

We are all different! :P

Off to do my workout after a handful of peanut M&M's

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Do a search on this site regarding hypoglycemia. MANY here have made the connection between dysautonomia and blood sugar. Hypoglycemia can set off my POTS/NCS/and MCAD. During a rash (LOL) of recent hypoglycemic episodes, I broke out into huge hives, had awful tachy, almost passed out, and couldn't breathe. I suspect that your protein bar bumps your blood glucose up for a long period and calms all of your symptoms. Our Earth Mother is one of those who's strongly made this connection. The ultimate cure is to avoid ALL sugar (and white stuff: bread, rice, potatoes, corn, etc.), caffeine, and alcohol. It's tough to do, but it really works. When I eat only protein, veggies, and complex carbs (whole grain breads crackers, etc) my hypoglycemia and dysautonomia/MCAD is much improved.

Hope it keeps working for you. Congrats on making this connection!!!


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Our Earth Mother is one of those who's strongly made this connection.


Do you mean the poster Earth Mother? I have been "sugar free" in the past and I know it's doable. I have always had problems keeping my weight up without sugar (and fat because I avoid that too). Complex carbs do not put meat on me.

I'm definitely due to go "back on the wagon" again and avoid simple carbs, because that is how I control my weight.

But I must say, it sure feels good to feel good. I'm thinking it's the bit of caffeine in the chocolate as well. Maybe I should take a minute amount of "no-doz" and avoid the calories that come with chocolate?

BTW, do NOT expect me to be a "good girl" this week being that it's Easter.

P.S. I do seem to have an issue in the morning in that I'm usually in "starvation" mode and I need to eat. I've had this particular problem for years. It's a real nuisance. It will cause nightmares and wake me up even if I want to keep sleeping.

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"Do you mean the poster Earth Mother?"

LOL (literally!)- yep, that's who I mean. Sorry if you thought I was getting deep or philosophical. You must have thought I was looney-tunes :lol: When I was younger I also had the problem that you speak of- eat plentifully of protein and fat. Avocados are great for me for preventing hypoglycemia. Eat lots of meat, chicken, fish too. I've eaten the "South Beach" way for years and every so often I NEED my carbs- whole wheat crackers like Triscuits,whole grain pasta like Quinoa, steel cut oats, etc. They still allow me to stick to complex carbs, but deliver C-A-R-B-S (that taste like carbs :-) Nothing wrong with some caffeine as long as you tolerate it. I'm going through a patch where I can- Yeah! It actually helps my son alot. For Easter, I plan to indulge in some dark chocolate....

All the best-


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"Do you mean the poster Earth Mother?"

LOL (literally!)- yep, that's who I mean. Sorry if you thought I was getting deep or philosophical. You must have thought I was looney-tunes :lol: When I was younger I also had the problem that you speak of- eat plentifully of protein and fat. Avocados are great for me for preventing hypoglycemia. Eat lots of meat, chicken, fish too. I've eaten the "South Beach" way for years and every so often I NEED my carbs- whole wheat crackers like Triscuits,whole grain pasta like Quinoa, steel cut oats, etc. They still allow me to stick to complex carbs, but deliver C-A-R-B-S (that taste like carbs :-) Nothing wrong with some caffeine as long as you tolerate it. I'm going through a patch where I can- Yeah! It actually helps my son alot. For Easter, I plan to indulge in some dark chocolate....

All the best-


What do you put on your oatmeal? Do you avoid fruit?

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"What do you put on your oatmeal? Do you avoid fruit?"

I put a little Half and Half and stevia to sweeten. When I'm really bad, even sugar derivatives like splenda can cause a sugar high- followed by that awful low. Stevia doesn't do that. I've vought it for years at a health food store, but it's becoming more mainstream. You can find it at any grocery store now. One brand is called Truvia.

When I'm really bad (hypoglycemia acting up), I do avoid fruit. It also causes a high- then low. Yuck!

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"What do you put on your oatmeal? Do you avoid fruit?"

I put a little Half and Half and stevia to sweeten. When I'm really bad, even sugar derivatives like splenda can cause a sugar high- followed by that awful low. Stevia doesn't do that. I've vought it for years at a health food store, but it's becoming more mainstream. You can find it at any grocery store now. One brand is called Truvia.

When I'm really bad (hypoglycemia acting up), I do avoid fruit. It also causes a high- then low. Yuck!

We buy stevia packets off the internet (Amazon) for real cheap. We get like 1000 packets for $37 dollars or something like that. I don't care for it but I have to put something on the oatmeal...well, I don't have to, I want to.

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I get that kind of boost from Odwalla brand chocolate nutricion bars...but not the protien ones in particular, I think it's the antioxidant ones. I feel that real cocoa is good for me somehow...maybe the blood thinning? Pomegranate can do the same blood thinning action, and that makes me feel good (like less palpitations, easier cognition), but not more energetic.

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I have reactive hypoglycemic symptoms quite often - or more to the point some times my POTS symptoms can come on worse when I havent eaten and when I eat they can go away.

Ive been tested rigourously for reactive hypoglycemia and I was negative always.

My guess is that an already overstimulated sympathetic nervous system tends to notice the slight normal elevation of adrenalin associated with not eating for a while. its just a guess though.

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