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Blood Pressure Question - Getting Too Close Together


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My Blood Pressure varies a lot, & my doctor said this is very much related to POTS and as long as I am between 90/60 and 140/95 I usually don't worry too much. Also as long as the top/bottom numbers are 30 apart I usually feel 'ok.' I know 40 is preferred, but not always possible. I guess mine usually ranges from 30-40ish apart.

Anyway, today it was only 18 apart and I was feeling really, really tired and wiped out. I'm trying to force liquids and it's now about 20 apart and am feeling a little more alert, but worn out. I was very tachy, too. Over 140 sitting.

Do any of you get this symptom? Does dehydration add to it?

At what point do you worry? When it gets to only a 10-15 difference for an extended period of time?

I was really surprised how crappy I was feeling so forced myself to my machine and got the low-difference readings.

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Sara's numbers tend to be very close at times. Just Tuesday on a routine visit to have her power port flushed, her b/p was 106/88--- now, the upper number is fine for her, but the under number is too close to the upper and its also too high. She was feeling very bad that day also, more sluggish than normal, not mentally alert, having trouble finding her words, etc..... The closest I know of her numbers being is 15 I think. I cant think of any particular trigger causing hers to do this. Maybe its one aspect of the dysautonomia thing. I know I havent offered any real help here, but lets you know someone else is bothered by this problem.

Best to you always,

Susan :)

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Thank you both for replying.

I know we are all so sensitive with dysautonomia, it's hard to pinpoint triggers. I have to remember to take my BP during my bad/flare days to see if there is a correlation.

I was sluggish, tired, etc. too so am glad to know I'm not alone on this one.

I'll keep drinking too as I am sure dehydration is not helping!

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The difference between the two numbers is called the pulse pressure. A narrow pulse pressure (when the numbers are close together) means that not enough blood is getting where it needs to go. 90/60 is a better reading than 100/80 (30pts verses 20pts).

I'll go with wikipedia as it's the least alarming...


Mine's gotten to 16, I think. I was feeling like ****. Elevating my legs helped bump it up as did drinking a lot of water.


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My Blood Pressure varies a lot, & my doctor said this is very much related to POTS and as long as I am between 90/60 and 140/95 I usually don't worry too much. Also as long as the top/bottom numbers are 30 apart I usually feel 'ok.' I know 40 is preferred, but not always possible. I guess mine usually ranges from 30-40ish apart.

Anyway, today it was only 18 apart and I was feeling really, really tired and wiped out. I'm trying to force liquids and it's now about 20 apart and am feeling a little more alert, but worn out. I was very tachy, too. Over 140 sitting.

Do any of you get this symptom? Does dehydration add to it?

At what point do you worry? When it gets to only a 10-15 difference for an extended period of time?

I was really surprised how crappy I was feeling so forced myself to my machine and got the low-difference readings.

I tend to get narrow pulse pressure after awakening from an afternoon nap, or after sleeping at night (as well as other times). I feel as if I'm a dead person when I awaken from sleep because of this. I usually push through it and the more awake I am, the better it gets, unless I really DO need to rest. Sometimes, the narrow pulse pressure means I have been overdoing it, and I need "down" time.

The only thing that has helped me some (not all the way), is a little amount of Cortef, a steroid. I'm not in love with taking this for many reasons, but it does help me not feel "dead" as often. The down side, is when it wears off, I crash and can feel it.

After reading this forum, I might try Turmeric (a spice in capsule form at GNC). Supposedly, it helps with fatigue.

And, yes, dehydration adds to narrow pulse pressure, but in my case, drinking more water doesn't really do much once the pulse pressure is already down.

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My Blood Pressure varies a lot, & my doctor said this is very much related to POTS and as long as I am between 90/60 and 140/95 I usually don't worry too much. Also as long as the top/bottom numbers are 30 apart I usually feel 'ok.' I know 40 is preferred, but not always possible. I guess mine usually ranges from 30-40ish apart.

Anyway, today it was only 18 apart and I was feeling really, really tired and wiped out. I'm trying to force liquids and it's now about 20 apart and am feeling a little more alert, but worn out. I was very tachy, too. Over 140 sitting.

Do any of you get this symptom? Does dehydration add to it?

At what point do you worry? When it gets to only a 10-15 difference for an extended period of time?

I was really surprised how crappy I was feeling so forced myself to my machine and got the low-difference readings.

Your BP sounds about a crazy as mine as far as the extremes go. I can go from 90/60 to 140/95 with in a half hour. Anyhow,as for the narrow pulse pressure I've been told to drink more fluids when it happens. It seems to help.

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Yes, I do get a narrow pulse pressure if I've been standing for too long. Sometimes it happens within two minutes, sometimes it takes a little longer. My pulse pressure can be less than 10 when standing. It's hard to think very clearly when this happens! I feel kind of dazed.

Lying down always fixes the narrow pulse pressure for me. My blood pressure might still be low, but the pp has never been narrow while lying down.

Salt, fluids, and rest are usually helpful.


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What a very common (and annoying thing) for us this has turned out to be!

The fluids did help, and I think the more I over do it (and I do over do it, even per my doctor but I tell him I'm still kicking) the worse the flare so I am going to try to pay more attention to these spells to try to avoid the horrible crashes.

All one can do is try, I guess.

Thanks everyone. I'm thankful in a way it's not 'abnormal' for Dysautonomia/POTS. Makes me feel a bit better.

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