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How To Disengage And Relax


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I am just wondering if anyone has found a way to disengage from work and relax. I work in a hospital and I have been given a hard project. I have 2 new bosses, 1 that I have to train. In the meantime, there are two departments that I work with on a weekly basis. In one department, an old employee of mine (who totally took advantage of my illness by not working and basically messing around) and her boss who as determined me as her competition. In another department, a total idiot kid who got his Director job because of who is Dad is in the company. The problem is, I am professionally attacked by those three almost daily. It sounds paranoid, but all three have banded together to destroy me. My two bosses are at my defense, the head of the corporate program is trying to take down the one department and even the administrator of the hospital has witnessed the attacks and has said that it must stop happening immediately. I have all the support I need, but I am so stressed out that I have been up all night for ages and now feeling extremely sick and weak. I feel like just giving up. It is so hard to work full time and be sick and nauseated all the time and then have to put up with such harassment and incompetance. See, the way they are getting me is that they don't do their jobs, so I have to make up for it. Then if I make a mistake (because I'm so slammed with work), they jump on it. They jump on my employees too. One has OI, and is having stress problems as well.

I need to not let this bother me so much, but it haunts me day and night that I haven't done enough or been good enough or that my dear employee will make a mistake and they will just rip us apart. They are not my supervisors, but they seem to make a federal case over everything.

I don't know what to do.


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What do you enjoy so much that you forget everything else? I get swallowed into books and some movies. It's like a vacation from reality for a while. Whatever does that for you, do more of it. My sleep doc wrote an article on "sleep hygiene" that says we should all spend an hour before bed doing almost nothing: if you worry, take a pencil and paper and write down all the things that are buzzing around in your head and are worrying about and have to do. He calls it "landing helicopters." If you need to worry, set aside 30 minutes and just worry, but then LET IT GO! This is SOooo hard, but you can do it. I have nothing helpful to add about your work situation, it stinks. sorry :blink:


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Iam so sorry about your work situation! I know how hard and difficult it is at times to make it through the day even without all these politics going on with the people at work.

I take great strength out of meditation! And i really believe strongly that everything happens for a reason and that there is something to learn about in every situation! As long as i try to be the best person i can be and put my heart into things i know that everything will fall into place finally, Thats how the universe works and it has never let me down.

Maybe the little ritual i do at times will help you as well: Just try to relax, close your eyes, and put this difficult situation into gods hands! And then have trust that something will happen. I also ask myself in every crisis: whats the blessing is in this crisis.

All the best for you


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what I do sometimes is set aside an hour or two to think only about what's bothering me. Then I set it aside until the next day and the appointed time.

Its literally an "I'll worry about that later" situation. Sometimes we cannot escape our emotions but we can manage them.

good luck.........

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Hi. I just wrote a longer post which got lost.

Your life sounds a lot like mine a few years ago. I spent a lot of sleepless nights thinking about work and didn't sleep for 2 weeks straight once during a particularly rough time at work. I think the lack of sleep makes things seem worse than they are, so the most important thing is to find a way to fall asleep. For me that meant going to the dr and getting a script for Ambien, which I take occasionally and works great. Benedryl OTC also works well.

Taking a break helps a lot. Can you go away somewhere for a few days or just take some time off and hang out at home? Try candles, relaxation music, treat yourself to a massage...or watch funny movies...whatever helps your mood...

What's helped me in the long run is yoga (along with breathing exercises and a little meditation). I now feel much better, both mentally and physically.

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Oh my gosh. These are such good suggestions. They make me think about even starting a prayer or gratitude journal. Every day is just so hard because of POTS that sometimes even a little more struggle is just too much. Maybe I can even take it to work and read through it when I just get so pounded. That will help me think about the blessings. I get to spend tomorrow with my parents. I'm going to do crafts with my Mum. I'm going to just soak it all in.

Hopefully, I can go back Monday all composed, well rested and my hair even curled (no sleep=chronic ponytail)!

Thank you for helping me through this!


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