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Low Blood Volume And Yellow Skin?


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for those of you who have low blood volume did you ever have a yellowish tint to your skin, but not in your eyes? i dont think i have jaundice but my skin has been looking more yellow, and not just pale, and i have very low blood volume and i was wondering if there is any connection between the two, thanks for any info or input,


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my doctor doesnt know anything so she is totally useless, i have to figure out everything myself, anyway, even if i have this hepatic ischemia, there doesnt seem to be anything to reverse it other than having more blood which i cannot have, since there is no medicine to increase blood volume right? i tried epogen a long time ago with no benefit, thanks again for all your caring replies,


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If your current dr. is of no help then maybe seek out another dr., even a cardiologist or someone who specializes in the liver and related conditions.

It is important to seek help if it is jaundice etc. Although, they may not be able to affect blood volume directly they may be able to indirectly help you, by adjusting other bodily processes to decrease symptoms.

I hope you can find a specialist that is helpful for you!

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even if your doctor is not familiar with dysautonomia problems you should still see them about this change in your skin colour. Jaundice is caused by high blood levels of bilirubin (a waste product from the breakdown of haemoglobin) usually the liver changed the bilirubin to a form that can be excreted by the kidneys in the urine. Usually the first place that you can see jaundice is in the whites of the eyes, they develop a yellow tinge before it is noticeable in the skin. A simple blood test for liver function (LFTs) would show if you have a high bilirubin level or not - if you do have a high level then you could investigate the cause which can include things like gallstones.

Another cause for yellow skin can be uraemia where your urea levels are high, this would show on a standard kidney blood test (U&Es).

A trip to the doctor for some basic bloods may help point you in the right direction and stop you worrying unnecessarily about complex problems that you might not have.


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