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Dr. Grubbs Wife


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I'm hoping this is ok to do.

I just got a letter yesterday from Dr. Grubb, as I'm sure that alot of you have that his wife Barbara has brain cancer. My letter was dated May and I just received it yesterday so I'm not quite sure how she is doing..

If anyone is game I'd like to do a candle vigil one day next week. Basically you just light a candle all at the same time, and send prayers, good thoughts, anything you wish. Please let me know what you think.

I'm thinking next Wednesday at 7:00

God Bless



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Sue, Dr. Barbara Strauss (Dr. G's wife) has glioblastoma. They already have done surgery, removed what they could, and left a chemo pack in her head to try to slow/stop growth. I believe that the surgery was in late April, or early May. She is now going through radiation and chemo. He has been taking time to care for her during her treatment.


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thanks Nina for the info...

I haven't been on in quite a while. Still working!!! only part time but absolutely love it. I just have to be very careful to not over do it. I nap alot. :huh:

Hope everyone is doing as well as expected.



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I would love to participate.

I was just in Toledo this past Monday and saw Bev. She said Dr. Grubb is doing the best possible and showing amazing strength through this challenging time. I brought a card for him to my appt. and they said cards are appreciated for him and his family. You can send them to the UT address attn: Cardiology Department, Dr. Grubb. They are getting the cards to him.

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I will try to remember. Sounds like a great idea.

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  • 1 month later...

Sending cards would be lovely. You can get his address from the physician's listing on the main DINET site--his office staff will pass all notes and cards along to him and to Barbara.


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what do you all think about continuing to light candles and send good healing thoughts their way each Weds at 7pm for as long as they need us? Thoughts?

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