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Dysautonomia Affecting Arms

Mary P

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I thought it might be interesting to find out what household task we find difficult. For me, it has to do with 'beds'. It's difficult to make a bed...all the stretching, reaching, tucking, etc. It's even more impossible to fold sheets in a half-decent way. I have to spread the flat sheet on the bed and then go around and around, from side to side, folding it bit by bit. No matter what, it looks pretty sad when I'm done.

As for the fitted ones, well, forget about that! I have to be happy if the bundle I manage to make fits into the closet fairly well. It's all quite frustrating and only serves to make the use of my arms even less efficient than when I started. I can get out of breath, light-headed and nauteous. My heart begins to race, etc, and I have to lie down.

Yesterday I decided that enough is enough and I eliminated part of the problem...the folding. From now on I'll wash and use the same set over and over. If a family member is here on laundry day I'll ask him/her to make a change for me.

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Hanging up and taking down the washing, Hoovering, planting flowers in the garden. Everything were i have to bend over or when i have to do things with the arms above my head. I do all the houshold stuff sitting down, but all that turning and bending makes me still symptomatic and i have to lay down from time to time. I try to do everything in slow motion to keep the symptoms somewhat under control.


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Do you have problems with your arms trembling or the feeling you can't lift them they are so weak? I thought for awhile mine was related to depleted adrenals but now I think it may be connected to Dys. I hate not being able to do things I used to take for granted. Good luck to you!

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