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Midodrine, Other Meds + Dealing With Life/work

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My doctor wants me to try Midodrine and go from there...I've been reluctant because I can't go on FMLA from work until later this year so I've just been 'coping' with fluids/salt and just getting by (not fun).

From all I've read it seems like people have various reactions to medicine and you really need time off to stabilize and find what works for you.

Are any of you working/unable to take time off and using medication to help? Did you have to suffer through or did you get lucky and find a right dose/combo?

Any horror stories of Midodrine? Can it be taken with BCP or will it be dangerous? I cannot imagine having to go off BCP because that time of the month makes my symptoms unbearable in addition to giving me migraines.

Thank you!

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I'm very sensitive to meds, and I tolerate midodrine. I started at 2.5, and now take 5. I have to go up slowly. At first, the higher dose makes me feel jumpy. But now 5mgs helps. Only side effect is some tingling. but it doesn't eliminate my symptoms-- just improves them.

I like that it's not a commitment. But it's short duration is also a drawback.

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Hi Jen,

Midodrine works right away and only lasts in your body for 4 hrs. There are some other POTS drugs that take a few weeks to kick in, but midodrine is not one of these. I started out with 1.25 mg (half of the smallest dose). If you're worried about work, just try it over the weekend and you should be fine by Monday either way. I've taken midodrine with birth control and it wasn't a problem. Have you tried compression stockings?

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Just start low and add SLOWLY. I find it to be amazingly helpful, but at one point I did end up on a dose that was too high and my bp skyrocketed. Now I know that I need to start at a really low dose and monitor myself so that doesn't happen. I'm on depo, not pills, but they are safe together. (that time of month is awful for me also)


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Hi Jen,

Midodrine works right away and only lasts in your body for 4 hrs. There are some other POTS drugs that take a few weeks to kick in, but midodrine is not one of these. I started out with 1.25 mg (half of the smallest dose). If you're worried about work, just try it over the weekend and you should be fine by Monday either way. I've taken midodrine with birth control and it wasn't a problem. Have you tried compression stockings?

I want to try them so bad, but don't have a prescription yet...Doctor wants to try meds first as they think stockings will be too hot for summer...is that true?

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Out of curiosity, many of you discuss Midodrine and splitting the pill. I have a pill splitter, the normal with the area to hold the pill and a blade that comes down. When I tried Midodrine (so, generic) and attempted to split the pill it always crumbled. Do you guys have this problem? Or is there some generics that split better than others? Because I may actually go back and try Midodrine if I could titrate slower etc. If you currently take Midodrine and can successfully split the pill can you tell me the manufacturer?

Thanks!!! :(

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I have not taken time off from work for trying new meds, or anything for that matter. I'm actually hoping that my doc wants to try me on Midodrine next because so far the beta blockers are not working and I think we're in the wrong class of meds. But, like the others have said, start slow and work your way up. I just deal with side effects as the come and if I get bad enough to need a day off here and there, I take it.

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My midodrine (generic version) comes scored, so it's easy to cut in 1/2.

As for the compression stockings, they do get hot in summer - but you can just wear them indoors. I can see what your dr is saying, midodrine may be easier, but I don't think that's a reason not to try the hose....not to mention it's not even hot yet. You actually don't even need a prescription to buy the stockings.

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Just be sure that when you get refills, you don't get "Epidrin". I even asked Target pharmacy why Midodrine turned into Epidrin and they said it was a generic form. Yeah, if you are taking "Midrin", which is much different than "Midodrine". We traced it back to the MD office 3 months ago- the girl didn't know how to spell the drug, so she just picked a word that sounded similar. Neat. I was on the wrong drug for 3 months. Keep an eye out!

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Kitsakatsa, the same thing happened to me! My pharmacist started explaining the side effects of the drug to me, and something just wasn't right. I looked closer, and ta da, Midrin. I told my pharmacist that this was not the right drug. He didn't think I was right but called my ANS doc to confirm. Yes, it should have been Midodrine... scary moment!

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