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A Chapter Closes


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A little good news. I just wanted to share a little piece of my life with you all during this happy time.

I've been visiting this forum on and off since discovering POTS a couple years ago, and some may remember that I strongly encourage all the young POTSers to try distance learning if they cannot attend traditional college studies. There are a lot of option now. My philosophy is: one class at at time will eventually get you the degree. Afterwards, who cares how long it took.

I was in my junior year of college when POTS hit--6 years ago. This week, I'm finally done with my degree. It was difficult, and every single semester I thought I was either gonna explode from stress or quit...but I just figured that even if I get a low grade, it's better than getting another semester behind. I took one class the first semester...then two, then three...that was pretty much the limit. It was frustrating, but now I really feel good, like I beat it, with my family's vital support, patience and encouragement.

Some days I couldn't get out of bed...sometimes I would faint from reading coursework...but it just doesn't matter now...it doesn't bother me now what I had to endure to get here. I know that many of us experience a lot of personal anguish over lost dreams and goals...I did for so long and still do. But I like to hear about y'all's accomplishments because it reassures me that even though the road is longer for us and sooo much bumpier, we can still get there eventually. So I thought it might help someone else to hear about this goal that I reached after about a decade in college and four different majors :ph34r:

Good luck with whatever your struggles are! You WILL win!

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Guest tearose

Wow! You did it! You are so right, no one is going to ask you how many years it took you. The fact is, you worked long and hard and took care of yourself and reached your goal!

Thank you for sharing this and let us know what you will take on next!

Look out world, here comes masumeh!


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