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Does Your Stomach Do This?


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Yes, my stomach does this. I have lots of digestive issues, along with many other people here as well.

Do you have more specific symptoms? We might be able to help you more that way.

Good luck, hope it starts to feel better soon!


I get bad cramps on either side of my stomach and below my belly button. Somedays its fine other days it will come and go for hours at a time. And Diarreha sometimes too :(

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For about 5 months I would get diarrhea every night for about 2 hours, I would also have bad cramps at the time. There were some things however I found to help, like I have already told you, anti-diarrhea meds, but the other thing that helps a lot is the diet alterations I have made. I no longer eat meat very regularly, as that will upset my stomach quite a bit, diarrhea, craps, major nasuea, ect.....which then leads to a migraine and sets off all my other symptoms. I really just stick to carbs, bread and noodles are good. I can eat crackers and such. Some dairy, but not much at a time. I try to eat dairy so I can get my protein, bit I just dont worry about it too much. Fruits and veggies are ok in moderation. Also drinking Gatorade, which you already do, does help me. Though when I feel ill to the stomach the last thing I want is to eat of drink, it really does help. Also how do you use/get your Gatorade. I find its best to buy the powder in large quantities (cheaper, and easiest) and then mix it at home, and I use 2 times the recommended powder, so that I get the most sodium, it does however my it taste kinda nasty....but I have just learned to deal with that.

Hope this helps,


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